[Joke/Meme fanfict] battlefield ~Luigi x Waluigi~ (1/2)

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A fanfict for myself, everyone, and for memes_love_poptarts.

Bombs exploding, gun shoots, limp bodies dragged on the battlefield. Waluigi watched, from ducking under some heavy green bags, a green frog on a tricycle that was throwing bombs onto the ground on the trail he was on.
"Oh shit wadd up it's that boi."
The green frog kept muttering on and on as he made his way across the battlefield with shots seeming nothing to him. Waluigi closed his eyes as tears trailed down his cheeks.
I won't make it.
I won't make it.
Wah won't make it.
I won't make it!
Waluigi opened his eyes at the familar voice. Seeing the green plumber besides him, shooting at the memes that spread across the battlefield.
"I-I can't do this." Waluigi spoke truefully as he embraced his failure.
"But you-a can!" Luigi praised to keep Waluigi positive. Waluigi found that attractive and admirable in his team mate. Then blackness flooded his eyesight as he felt something hit his lower side.

Waluigi woke up on a soft bed, sitting up he rubbed his head. Feeling something was missing as his fingers just touched his soft hair.
My hat?
The door opened as Waluigi looked around the room for it when he's on his bed.
"You're up!" Luigi exclaimed as he set the bowl of soup on the table next to the bed. Then happily sitting next to his team mate on his bed.
Waluigi raised an eyebrow as he looked at Luigi, trying not to day dream about him. "Wah happened?" Luigi then went on to explain, "Well you got shot by the assassion of Harambe. Luckily I dragged you out of there without getting shot as well." His happiness seemed to be short lived as he looked at the dark grey stone floor, swinging his feet a little.
"The memes..they're getting too much. Too many, too many powerful ones. Now they have a new leader, a billionare."
Waluigi wanted to grasp, but that wasn't wahly. "W-who?" He asked, curious.
"Donald J. Trump, his right hand man is Dat Boi." Luigi shivered as he spoke their names, everyone in the army that were still alive were scared of the two. Both are unstoppable. Waluigi backed up a little and tried to seem coop and brave, really he was scared on the inside. He tried to seem tough.
"Pft! Luigi! We've fought worse than them! We've defeated the Troll meme! Come on, those two? They're nothing!"
"Waluigi no! They're worse. Worse than you can comprehend!"
It then grew silent between them. Luigi looked up at him. "At least we're leaving to go home in two days."
Two days? It seemed like they went back into the war just yesterday! But Waluigi didn't mind at all, he needed a break and to think of a plan to defeat their new enemies.
"At least," Waluigi put a hand on Luigi's shoulder. Luigi blushed and jumped a little at the surpised action. "We can go back to Wario, Peach, Mario, and Daisy."
Waluigi rasied his eyebrow as he looked down at him, wondering what made him say that in that tone.
"Daisy and I..just..we've broken up." Waluigi's heart pumped as he heard this. He could have a chance to date Luigi!
Waluigi scratched the back of his head, "well sorry Luigi. Why?- If you don't mind me asking!" Luigi shook his head and mumbled that he didn't want to talk about it. He slid off the bed and headed to the door, getting the last glance at Waluigi before leaving.

The two days seemed to pass by rather quickly. Waluigi was a little exicted as he gripped the small suitcase, waiting for Luigi to bring him home in his kart.
(Waluigi POV)
I took a deep breath as I saw Luigi speed over and I eagerly jumped in, not taking my eyes off him.
"Ready to go back home?" Luigi started driving and we were already on the highway, he drove so fast!
"Yeah! Wario and I are going to.." I started to explain how Wario will play tennis every morning and how I will try to win against Mario in tennis. Maybe meet Sonic for a short while and try to run over Amy in my motorbike. I hated Amy, she annoyed me. Always yelling at me in her high pitch voice.
"Wario! Waluigi! Look at this crappy necklace I made of Sonic! Isn't it beautiful! Oh, and how is the meme war? It must be so harsh on the battlefield! What meme did you kill? Oh! What meme shot you? Was Sonic there? He told me he might sign up! Please, please tell me he is in it! Gahhh! Sonic is so amazing!"
Her and I aren't on great terms, the last time I saw her, I put a bomb under her pillow.
"What do you think of Amy?"
Luigi shrugged as he turned the corner, "she's nice, can be annoying. You?"
"Hate her, I hope we don't run into her."
Luigi chuckled a little as he pulled up at my apartment. We both said our good byes and I kept thinking of Luigi when I went inside my small apartment.

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