How he kisses/cuddles you

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I might not get their personalities right

His cuddles are defintely a more dominate type of cuddling, he's the one to wrap his arms around you more, pull you close to him. The one to first make the move. He moves a little and wakes up every so often, and makes sure no one is close by. He gets annoyed if his dragonborn moves a lot in her sleep, but he finds it cute. He doesn't show it though. He hides the fact he watches you sleep at night, because he usually falls asleep after you as in habit and to watch if no one sneaks up on you. If you sleep walk, he wakes up (due to being a light sleeper) and pick you up, and bring you to bed while quietly mumbling about that you woke him up and everything else.
He obiviously dominates kissing, usually his kisses are passionate and make outs. He does do some light kissing; small neck kisses, pecks on the check, nose, forehead, head. But the majority of his kisses are rough, lustfilled, and very needy for you only.

Vilkas tries his best to keep you comfy and not to move around much. He sleeps later than you, but he falls asleep later due to his werewolf urges and being a werewolf he doesn't get good sleep. He wakes up in the middle of night in sweat due to nightmares he has almost every night. He tends to move around at night, when he goes on his other side he brings you with him on that side. When he does that, it annoys you because it wakes you up. He is a heavy sleeper, not as heavy as Farkas is when he sleeps.
Vilkas is more shy in public with kissing, physical contact in public makes him nervous and he's not use to it. Behind closed doors and in private, he is slightly more meaning in his kisses. He wants you to enjoy his company and is scared if he is too touchy or he is too clingy. He can be very clingy to his lover, but he knows how to control it most of the time. But in public, he can be a little cold as in he doesn't like physical attention. But he does do some slight flirting here and there. His kisses are more happen when you two are cuddling or alone, usually he kisses your forehead, or your thighs during intercorse.

He can be a little shy about this, as he is not use to this and the feeling. But after a while, he is very romantic and nice. Always asking if he's hurting you in anyway, if there is enough blankets, etc. Usually you lay on top of him and he wraps an arm around your waist, he is neither a light or heavy sleeper. He use to wake up to simple noises but grew to being use to it, making him a slightly heavy sleeper. He would wake up before you do if something happens, and in the mornings he wakes up early. Like he wakes up at 5 o n d a y s o f f l i k e b o i w h a- he likes to play with your hair when your asleep, or to rub your cheek.
He likes to kiss your cheek, he gives you slight kisses between his duties. But he likes to stare at your eyes for a while before giving you a kiss, he is romantic in public or in private. But in intercourse he can be very romantic, but in intercorse at first he is shy and unsure if he's doing something wrong. But, he very rarely kisses your neck and he likes to stare into your eyes a lot. Most of the time he kisses your hand, but other than just simple kisses, he mainly kisses your cheek. He can be very poetic, more in public for some reason.

He likes to wrap your arms around your waist by your side or with you on top of him. He can be a light sleeper and he is the first one up in his following. He likes to bring you breakfast in bed and he likes to braid your hair while you two cuddle. He likes when you rest your head by his neck and on his chest, or if you (or he) can hear you/him's heart beat. Something about it makes him enjoy it.
Cael doesn't usually give kisses, for some reason, but if he does, it's usually on your hand or on your forehead. He does give you kisses on your head if he's braiding your hair (I have a headcanon that he likes to braid people's hair). But he likes to hold your hand and to stare into your eyes. He is more romantic in his words, he usually doesn't give physical attention (kissing, hugging). But he likes hugging from behind and it doesn't bother you much that you don't get that much physical attention (he is more to give it when you two are alone), because he is defintely romantic in his words.

Farkas defintely loves cuddling and hugging, he hugs you whenever he can, carry you whenever. Even when you don't need it, he picks you up and carries you. He likes for you to be on top of him, curled up, as his arm is under/besides you. He likes to rub your back during cuddles.
He likes to kiss your forehead or nose, he does kiss you on the lips most times. But he is likely to kiss your nose or forehead, he is very romantic in his words. He tries to be as romantic as his bother can be very romantic in his words, he usually stumbles over his words. But after all the laughs and mess ups, he can be very romantic. Maybe not as detailed as his brother can be, but he still makes you smile and your heart flutter. He is a very big puppy dog in love, he likes to give you kisses all the time and it makes the other companions make fun of him because how much he shows affection.

Hope you enjoy, I tried to be detailed

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