When someone flirts with you // boyfriend scenarios

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He would probably break their nose, or their jaw, or just insult them. This dude doesn't play around. After, he would make a remark about them.
"They're nothing but a fancy pants wearing noble, ladyship."

I feel like he wouldn't really know they were flirting with you at first, but then he would find out sooner or later when he kept a close listening ear on it. I think his tough build and muscles would scare them off quicker than his sword when he would come over to you.

I think he would definitely want revenge on them. First he would roast them the most formal, intelligent, and classy way. Then he would probably do some sort of revenge on them when you weren't around.

I don't know if Vilkas would say something, maybe he would say "Back away." But then he would be grumpy and have the silent treatment, thinking you favored the guy over him that was flirting with you. (Then this mattered how you acted and stuff, I wasn't really sure on this for Vilkas).

He would be so mad, he would threaten and stab them in the stomach when he saw him flirting with you. Cicero is one guy you don't want to mess with if you were flirting with his girl, or else you will end up dead likely.

I'm not sure for this, honestly. I think he would pull the guy aside and talk with him in his low voice (he sometimes has when he's talking about serious stuff).

Cael (my autocorrect changed it to Carl at first)
I think he would take it more softer than the rest of these. He would still have anger and be protective, but he would be like how he was with Bishop. He would be more calm, collected, but still have a bit of a threatening approach.

Should I add anyone else to this? I just decided to do these seven. Tell me what you think!

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