When you/him are sick

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So I am doing more of preferences because I have a lot more characters to write for now. I might do more of this because I am running out of ideas for each character or I am just lazy and can't think of anything.
Recently added:
(I might add Sero later, or I'm not sure if I will add hin because of all the characters I have. Sorry!)

You're sick
He would sometimes complain, because he doesn't want to be sick either or you did something stupid to get sick. Like..eat 20 sweetrolls and now you're throwing up. But he deals with it and lowkey likes taking care if you, as he finds it cute.
He's sick
Bishop doesn't like being sick because it means he has to be in one place for a while and not on the move, or getting into adventurers. Being sick bothers him because he doesn't feel good and you are doing everything for him. He rants like, "you shouldn't do this for any man. A man has to take care of you as you already stand up and hold yourself up. No man can understand that he has to take part and do things for his lady. Defintely one who's dragonborn." Then you playfully tell him to shut up and he grumbles and listens. You laugh and find it cute when he has a stuffy nose because of the noise it makes.

You're sick
When you're sick Vilkas finds a way to treat you, but sometimes he gets grumpy since he has to do jobs that are assigned to you. But he understands how it is to be sick, in private he likes to treat you snd read to you. He protests when Aela wants to take care of you when he's off on a quest, and he sometimes comes late to quests because he's taking care of you.
He's sick
Much like Bishop, he doesn't like being sick. Just the feeling and that you have to do double the quests, even though you are use to it by now. He reads even more because he has more time to. He sleeps even more when he's sick and find it really annoying how his nose and stomach feels. Vilkas doesn't like being sick, as he tries to avoid it at all costs.

When you're sick
Ulfric tries to treat you as much as he can, but he is usually busy. At night, or when he has time to, he rants sadly about how he should take care of you more. And that Galmer or others do more than him, this war has really taken a toll on him. He does everything for you, like if you want to pull the blanket closer, he notices quickly and does it for you. His sad ranting happens often.
He's sick
He doesn't sit in bed all day, he gets up and tries to work through it. It's very admiring, but you can tell he thinks he is trying less or doing less. You always tell him he is trying the best he can and being sick isn't easy,
(I am writing another Ulfric x reader soon, because I got an idea for one)

You're sick
Just dialogue in here will make you understand how he would be like.
"Oh you want a sweetroll, don't you? Let me get it right away my dear Listener!"
"No, no, no! Don't get up! Get back in bed! Don't even cover yourself up, I will do it for you~!"
"Astrid wanted someone else to take care of you, but I may of did something..Well now I am your caretaker! Hehe!"
*screeching if you even move a foot*
(Sorry, Cicero's personality is sort of hard to do. I did my best! Hope you like it!)
He's sick
He groans and complains when he's sick, almost acting like a baby somedays. Then some other days he wants to do everything for himself because you do a lot of stuff already.

You're sick
Brynjolf as a mom mode activated
He's sick
You don't even notice he is sick because he is so sneaky about it, he hates when others are sick and complain they can't do their job because of it. He is more soft on that than Mercer, he is willing to let certain people go on some jobs. But if it is super important or it happens often, he will make you do it. The only way you can tell he is sick is if you hear him sniffle, then you try to make him stay in bed while Mercer just rolls his eyes and grumbles.

Cassavir, Cael, and Farkas will be added in a seperate part! Any suggestions/ideas on this type of stuff? As in: him as a father, him angry, breaking up, etc. Sorry if some sound the same or their personalities are wrong.

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