You changed, for the worst ~Ulfric x AngerProblems!Reader~

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"I'm sorry, okay?! Is that what you want to hear!"
His yellings of despair meant nothing to the (height) r/o/c. She slid the ring off her slim finger and threw it on the ground. Making the Jarl yell at her again.
"You think that will help me get better! I don't care about that!" Ulfric, the jarl she was fighting with, pointed at the silver ring with an emerald in the middle. He took a deep breath and pushed his hair out of his dirty cheeks and face, "I care about you."
Even if his honey coated words meant something, it could make any lady of Skyrim swoon, but she wouldn't take it.
From her past relationships, all it seemed like was that they didn't notice what they did until last minute.
"Ulfric," She sighed as she tried to keep calm, to not explode into a field of fire. Defintely with her wild fire personality and anger issues, she could contain her anger here. The man she was talking to looked up, his deep color of blue eyes met her own. Now his deep color of blue eyes were coated with tears, running down his cheeks and his nose grew a slight red. He rubbed the snot with his long black sleeves, he still kept his gaze upon her.
"No matter how many times you say sorry to me, I won't take it. You had your chance. But this war, this war is changing you. For the worst. You put down your own wife, and not give a care in the world for her, and only a care for your soilders. Are they your new wife-or wives, now?"
Wives? When have I ever..
"I gave you many chances--four to be exact. Four chances, and you blew it. Never asking how I felt, but dear talos, I asked you numorous times how you are." If it wasn't her harsh tone of voice, that made him regret what he did, then it was her words of truth within them.
"I'm-" "No, no more saying sorry. You don't have to now, because I'm leaving."

She was being true, and the slamming of the door was the only sound he heard from her in years. He could make an apology to her, but what she said to him haunted him to not say anything to her.
He has his chances, he made his own choices, he played with fate. He has to now live with his choices, and hopefully fate is kind to him in the future.

Inspired by Apologize (by One Republic).

Sorry, I've been busy and dealing with some stuff (hopefully things will get better). I may talk about it, or write in my diary, to get it off my chest. Only if anyone wants to hear it, but I would be nervous about posting it. I am fine with not talking about it, but- I don't know. Well, it's spring break now, I will be able to write more (if I can).

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