Stubborn is a pain ~Vilkas x Injured!Stubborn!Reader!~

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Ayyy? Because of injuries and how she's stubborn? Eyyyy? No? Okay.
Requested by TheLoneleyOne
Haven't your members of our sweet little corporation know when to stop helping a girl when she says so?! I swear, Vilkas is all up on me today based my shoulder and arm being injured when I came back from the war. I quit it for the time being because I wanted to be back home, here. Ever since I've left Vilkas never knows when to take no as an answer! "Oh I'll help you, no worries." "Y/N you need help, let me help." Like no, you bloodhound! Go smell Farkas' ass if you are willingly to kiss the floor I walk on!
Sorry for my language, just things have been tough on me lately.
My regards,

The (h/c) took a deep sigh as she looked over her fancy writing at her desk. Rolling her shoulder a little as it ached from the healing process. She tried to calm herself down, she's been so stressed and stubborn the past week. What has caused this?
The door creaked open as she grew angry. Was it Vilkas again?
Turning around in her seat, in the dark room and only a candle to light up the small space, she saw the black short haired man.
"Vilkas? Really? This time!?"
He sighed and walked over, putting down a pile of books on the table. "Sorry, Y/N, just thought you'd be lonely."
"I'm never lonely! I'm fine Vilkas, can't you see?!" She tried her best effort to plead with him, but he shook his head.
Ignoring it all together, he started to push away the fabric of her shirt that was on her shoulder. She pulled away quickly from his hands, glaring at him. He chuckled at her, "You really think I'm going to hurt you?"
"How's your injury? Does it hurt anymore?" Not trying to look at the injury anymore. He knew she would push him to the ground if he tried. She huffed and crossed her arms, why would he think it's okay to look at her injury without asking?
"Yes it hurts, thanks to you." She kept a watch on him, her instincts on being a werewolf doubled as she could smell the dirt and his own werewolf blood. The whole smelling, hearing, and urges that no normal human would have didn't faze her. Aela was actually surprised when she told her this.

The torch in front of Aela's face made her skin light up and it actually was making her look more beautiful.
"So? How do you feel?"
She tried to think on what she felt, she felt normal, yet more strong and powerful. "I me, like a stronger me that's jus came out of a child. You know, growing up and maturing and getting stronger?"
She raised her eyebrow and smiled, "Really? Many of the whelps that go through this are shaking in their boots and armor. I have to say I was as well. You're a strong companion, I must say. I am proud to say you are my sister."
Y/N smiled at her compliment, her and Aela grew stronger over the past months. "Thanks."
"Anytime." She looked over at the forest behind them, watching rabbits and deer run by, being scared of them. "I spot Sliver Hand up ahead, let's go, sister."

He sighed as he tried to control his anger, "I tried to make you feel as less pain as I can. At least I would do way better than Farkas can. He would probably get a spoon stuck in your shoulder somehow." Vilkas rolled his eyes, as he fought don the heart break. Did she really not like him that much?
He was hard on her the first few weeks and days she joined, but it was only to toughen her up and to try to hide his feelings. Did he go too hard on the poor girl?

"I have a confession to say."
"That you should check my wound and see how it is, sure go ahead." He growled at her sass, but passed it off. "I just wanted to say that I really did think you were strong, and sorry if I was too hard on you when you first joined." He sighed and went on, letting his emotions and thoughts spill out. "I thought you were just a petty girl, but I saw how you wouldn't let anyone change your mind that easily. Stayed to your word." She knew what he was talking about and mentioned. It was one time in the late Skyrim summer mid days.

Walking around in the downstairs, she stumbled upon a trap door to somewhere under Jorrvaskr, that was under a barrel that was moved. Growing curious, she opened the latch and went inside.
She heard a hum of a man that was echoing in the small cellar. It sounded a lot like Torvar.
The humming stopped and it all went quiet. She made her way to where she heard the humming and found the drunk by some barrels of mead, pouring out onto the stone floor. She tapped her foot against the stone flooring and crossed her arms, knowing he was breaking the rules. He wasn't allowed down here because when they would have a celebration every year for the Companions, they would use the barrels stored down here. After, they would restore until the next one.
"Y-Y/N? K-Kodlak told me to catch these barrels! I-I-" "You were trying to sneak a little something to drink huh? Tilma tell you to not drink anymore and forcing you to drink some milk, or not alcoholic." He tried to keep going with his lie, but it all came down crashing when she knew how to get him to tell the truth.
She faked a sigh, "Well, I think I might as well ask Kodlak if you were suppose to be down here and getting something to drink." She started to turn and walk down the hallway to the ladder.
"Wait!" His yell echoed down the hallway, Y/N turned and listened to his plea. "I-I was lying, I actually wasn't allowed down here."
She smirked and then grinded her teeth together. "So you did! How many damn times do I have to tell you that you shouldn't lie to me! Now I have to tell Kodlak about your misbehaving!"
Surprised by how quickly she changed emotions, did she have emotional issues or did she hide this anger all along? He stepped back from her full on yelling and tried to reason with her, but she didn't listen to him.
That time was when she showed how stubborn she was and when they had to put a lock with a key to prevent anyone inside.
"I about you a lot. Even how stubborn you are, and it annoys me, but I care. As creepy as it sounds, you're like a sister to me. But I hid and acted cold because I didn't want to fall in love with just any whelp."
He headed the for door, glaring and remembering how she acted. "With how you acted towards me, I'll let you think on that." With the door slamming, her mindset changed and her eyes started to water.

Wiping her eyes, she crumpled up the paper and threw it somewhere to the side. Grabbing her quill and ink, she wrote down as she fought her blurry eyesight from the tears running down her face.
Dear Kodlak,
Thank you forever for what you've done for me. You showed me so much care that nobody else could, so I thank you for that. You're almost like a father, uncle, or grandfather to me. I would give you the world and so much honor, if I could. But I have a question, is it against the rules and whatever to date another member of the circle? Not going to say who, but I have a particular werewolf in mind.
Greatful because of you,

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