Fever ~Erandur x reader~

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Coughing and moving around in your bed, your body felt super hot as you moved around. The furd and hay under you didn't help much. You groaned as the door was slowly opened.

The dark elf preist came in, holding a wooden bowl with a spoon. He came over besides the bed and set the bowl of food down on the table.
"How are you feeling?-"
"Like a vampire bit my ass."
"What I suspected." He wiped his hands on his orange robe. He sat at the end of the bed and stared at you. "Can you make me not hot?" You asked him, annoyance in your tone. You were frustraded at how hot your body felt. He nodded his head a little and walked out. Erandur came back into the room seconds later with a damp towel, he placed it on top of your forehead and it eased you a little bit.

You closed your eyes and felt like you were going to sleep soon, you noticed that it was dark in your room from your eyelids. You opened them and looked over, seeing Erandur at the door with the candle, that was on your table, in his hands. He was closing the door slowly as he spoke, "sleep well."

Closing the door all the way, he went into the living room and sat down next to the fire. Setting the candle down on the table next to him, he picked up the hard covered book on the table and flipped to a blank page. He had a quil and ink ready, he began to write down.

I never knew taking care of someone with a fever would be so much fun. At least I am not out in the cold and getting the ends of my robe wet because of it hitting the snow. Also, I am taking care of my companion. Planning on..asking her a certain question tomorrow.

The dark elf grinned as he looked over what he wrote, he put his hand over his amulet of mara as it clinked when it hit his hand. He was in a mixture of scared and exictment.

Yeah, sorry A_Story_Unending, I did a crappy job on your request. If you want I can rewrite or make a whole new one. If you guys want, you can request me to do a part 2 (or 3 if it already has a 2nd one) to really any x reader I did. Just as long you have a sort of idea, like where it'll go in the next part. I know someone requested me to do a part 2 to Stubborn!Lydia x reader x Farkas x reader I did a while ago.

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