[A/N] Rip writing skill

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So I am sorta back, I am slowly getting back into writing. I just felt pressuared by some requests and I felt that I needed to write them as quick so people will be happy. (Not your guys fault, it's really myself because I push myself a lot.) So I just had to take a short break, I will try to write the requests I've gotten. Here's some of my writing I did when I came back from my short break, my writing sorta sucks if I don't write in a few days or longer. I will try to write everything I got requested for Skyrim, I am getting into other stuff to write and posting most of it on my tumblr: SomeoneIsWatchingMe. Some of my writings on there is likely not Skyrim, like other stuff, so if you don't like some certain fandom or thing I am writing for, I have other stuff to write for. (As in I wi be posting my Katim fanfict writings, some Skyrim x readers and other stuff. I doubt really any Skyrim fans will like something..let's say in the Creepypasta fandom or some other fandom. Y'know?
(Skyrim x readers might take a while for me to write, not 100% sure on that one)

 Y'know?(Skyrim x readers might take a while for me to write, not 100% sure on that one)

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Ripppppppp, (this is not for Skyrim)

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