Christmas with him ~Skyrim Boyfriend Scenario~

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Merry christmas everyone! As my gift to you, I've decided to write this!

As the outside of Jorrvaskr was packed with snow from the night before, all the warriors stayed inside by the fire.

The fire cracked as some drank their mead, some just staying by the fire. Skjor & Aela were talking and planning how they might go outside together and hunt. They didn't care if it was snowing out, nothing could keep them from hunting. Njada was down the stairs, wanting to be away from everything and everyone. She hated christmas, as she had no one to celebrate it with. She use to love it as a child and would look forward to this special day, now not that very much.

Y/N pasted the room her & the others shared, the doors cracked open. She stopped when she heard cries coming from inside the room, she turned and went close to the door. She saw long grey hair under a helmet, in front of the table. A charcole moving in her hands frantically, writing down whatever came to her already emotional mind.

Y/N walked off, she had a plan..

She talked to Vilkas, who was walking out of his room to go upstairs, and made up a plan together.
There was still sobbing coming from the room, Njada was still writing, almost finished. Vilkas & Y/N slowly walked in, holding a flower crown made of Skyrim's flowers.

"Njada," Njada quickly sat up in her chair from Vilkas' soft tone. She didn't notice someone was in the room with her. "Vilkas?" She asked as she turned, meeting the eyes of Vilkas' & Y/N's. Y/N was holding out the flower crown, Njada teared up more, it reminded her so much of her when she was a child.

After giving her the flower crown, Njada played with it in her hands as she talked.
"I...matured too much, I spent too much time training with the general the hold in my city had after my parents died. I started to think christmas was useless to celebrate, I was only 10." Vilkas rubbed her back, "I'm sorry Njada."

The ball of cotton at the end of his red hat bounced as he looked at her across the room, licking his lips. She was stopping at the winking skeever in Solitude for the night, why not spend christmas day in a bar where most drunks without any family to be with are? He didn't really like christmas. Well he didn't mind it, he didn't understand why the children looked forward to a large bellied Nord would coming into their house and leaving gifts. Also eating their food they leave out for him to get even fatter.

He pulled the hat off, thinking he looked silly with it on, he wore it because the dragonborn made him wear it.
"I got you some ale." He looked up to the sound of a glass bottle put down on a wooden table. His yellow tinted eyes met her (e/c). "I payed for our room for tonight too. There's a bathroom up there next to our room so you don't smell..dirty."
He grinned, "so you're saying I smell dirty ladyship?" Without hesitation, she nodded, a playful smile showed on her lips. "Did you get your nose broken? Because I think it's just from you. I somehow can sleep with your stench at night, clouding my nose."

She rolled her eyes, "then we both need a bath." "Together?" He asked, smirking. She sighed and sat down, she couldn't help but keep smiling. "Sure."

I think I didn't do a good job on Bishop's personality, sorry about that.

Cael & his forsworn group setted up a tree they cut down from the forest, they got the orniments that the females from the group were making. They made the orniments quick, like they've made these for a while now.

You were there, just watching the man of the group putting the small things on the tree. Cael jumped down from the top of the tree, after setting a wooden carved elk that looked a lot like his.
"Sparrow!" He walked over to you, you looked at him and then at the tree. "Do you like it?" He asked, he seemed impressed. You nodded, his followers were almost done from an hour of setting it up and putting the orniments on it.

"I'm just scared that it'll tip over when harsh winds come through the hills of Markarth." He shook his head, "don't worry Sparrow. If it does, then we can easily put it up like before." He pulled you closely, "they've told me how much they like you as our second leader." He whispered in your ear, his voice sending chills down your spine.

(I'll write a special one for Casavir & Farkas when I find more ideas to do for them)

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