Cold, winter, storytelling ~Vilkas x reader~ (½)

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As I am oddly in a winter/snow/christmas feeling, but I hate the cold since where I am there is LOTS of snow in the Midwest. So, as a request from my online friend memes_love_poptarts, she gave me this idea a while ago. I am in a Skyrim writing mood as well, not sure what to write though. Pretty sure this feeling will last for a while, so drop me some requests of really any character! I tried to make this cozy for you all!

The harsh winds blew against the log cabin’s walls, in the cracks of the wood the cold that Skyrim’s harsh winters crept in through those cracks. Winterhold’s snow filled lands were worse, the dragonborn thought Whiterun’s strident winds were bad enough.

The crackling fire in the middle of the old cabin, that the dragonborn and her companion came upon, gave some heat to the two. More light than heat, but the two stayed close to try to get warmth from each other. The winds thrashed against the walls every passing moment, Skyrim’s dark night sky shown through the slight opening in the roof. The red moon could be partly seen.

The empty book shelves in the corner across from a single bed roll that they put on top of a table could be seen. Some little rodents could be heard scurrying around in that corner to the other small hole in the wood to wherever. Wolves howling could be heard among the winds.

“I-I thought you could stand this cold. From the stories of you going up here to the mage’s college!” Vilkas whispered, voice shaky from the cold that was biting his legs and hands. The only warmth he had was a coat made out of mammoth fur Aela got for him one time.
The dragonborn didn’t let out a peep, forgetting his whispered statement immediately from the cold flooding her thoughts. She hopes she doesn’t die out here.

Finally letting something out, “I wished the rest stayed with us. But they wanted to keep going to the cave where we release Kodlak’s werewolf spirit thing.” The dragonborn lost her words to explain something from the worry of the cold. “W-Well it was their choice, not ours. We would be hell of a lot warmer in that cave though.” The dragonborn whipped around to face him. “You & I would freeze to death and our snow filled boots would soon wear out! Or, something among the lines.” She stopped for a moment to think, “All of them likely found a nice inn or something in Winterhold by now. How much I loved the taste of mead.” She added, staring up at the moon.

Vilkas agreed, nodding his head slightly and staring up to the moon as well. “Well, we should make something out of this. Get to know each other. We’re stuck in this place until sunrise, so I don’t see why not.” Vilkas suggested, shifting in his spot against the wall next to her. Glancing at their single bed.

A moment of silence filled the cabin with the crackling wood in the fire, the heavy winds as well. Until the dragonborn spoke up,
“We’re going to die out here, I just know it.”
“Try to be more positive, we’ll make it. I just know it.” Vilkas grabbed her gloved hand with his armoured glove.

(My cat right now is legit trying to knock a mcdonald's chicken nugget box as I am writing this. It’s not going so well for her right now- well now she dropped it off the table. Good job Lily).

The (r/o/c) female looked up, surprised, with a tint of blushing. Vilkas smiled as he noticed her cheeks, “well let’s do that activity I suggested. Yeah?” (totally didn’t read that in Brynjolf’s voice). She only nodded as Vilkas started first.
He looked up as he tried to remember stories he could share with the woman in front of him, who was hugging her knees. “I remember that Kodlak use to let Farkas & I get piggyback rides from him around Jorrvaskr until his Nord body got too tired and weak to carry us.” Vilkas added on, chuckling a little in between when he told on. “There was this Breton female named Deline. I don’t know if she’s my mother or not, but she seemed like one. I think she tried to have a child, but never could since no man wanted her. She didn’t want to adopt because she wanted it to be her own, her own genes and all. Well, she use to make sweet rolls and teached Farkas and I how to cook meals for ourselves. She had such a spirit for fighting too, she seemed like the mother of Aela almost.” Vilkas grinned a little, “minus the loud Nord voice of hers and her strong emotions to things. And actually acting nice to us than controlling.”

Vilkas was right on the most part about Aela, she has her ups and downs, but her strong emotions and controlling attitude was her low. She had quite a spirit and the little (r/o/c) admired it about her. She was actually thinking of giving the title to Aela after they finish this quest. How did she know she was likely becoming harbinger? She knew from, how stupid it sounds, him coming to her in a dream and telling her. As the mist surrounded him, he yelled at her that she was level headed and could lead the companions to greater glory.

“Um, uhh.” She thought about what to share at him, he stared her down, waiting for an answer. “I remember one time when Torvar was drunk, really drunk, and he woke me up. He gave me this necklace he made out of leaves with randomly placed flowers in them, thinking I was his mother that abandoned him due to his drinking problems.” (Small headcanon). Vilkas let out a chuckle and went on tell another tale.

As they shared more and more, this harsh winter that Winterhold gave them didn’t seem that bad actually.

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