Learnnn about meeeee

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So I just made up these questions or got them from other places.

Might be spelling mistakes in this because I type really fast.
1. Any talents?
To be honest, I don't think I have a talent in anything. I think I'm alright with my writing and I always want to improve it. To me, it seems like my writing isn't just right. Perfectionist maybe?

2. Favorite color?
Purple, blue, red, silver. Purple. Purple.

3. How did you get into writing?
I always sort of wrote when I was young, from short cringey stories. Then as I got older, I found out what fanfiction was..and I uh..wrote a Ellis x me fanfict. Venturiantale (youtuber I don't watch anymore) x me fanficts, my Venturiantale fanficts are still on wattpad. (Whitewolf404) if you want to cringe so badly. People say my writing got better since of 2015, my writing sucked and I got better over the years? Well, based on what people say. I have a few books on my old writings I sometimes post in there.

4. How are you so good at writing? From what people say.
I wouldn't say I am good at writing, and some may think I say this for attention. No, I just have low self eesteem and I always don't think my writing is the best in the world or what others say (amazing, great, really good, etc). Just alright, that's what I think of it.
Back to the question, I just studied and caught on to what authors wrote (I don't read that often, just usually Skyrim fanficts once in a while). Learning in class, and I just sort of learned on my own. I am now currently trying to add as much detail as I can, and make my writings/xreaders emotional and meaningful to the reader. To make the reader want to read it over and over again and keep it close to heart.

5. How do you get characters' personalities correctly or close to their canon one?
I honestly don't know, it might be because I am a scorpio or something. I study people's actions, in real life, and see if I would like them or not. I just am very into my brain, my dad is as well. I also like to study serial killer's (or mass murderers) personalities as I find them very interesting. If anyone wants to know, I am currently reading Eric Harris' and Dylan Klebold's journal. I am interested in these two right now because how can a simple teenager they acted like in the videos for classes and stuff released to youtube, become so hateful of almost everyone. And how just that can drive someone to do that. Was it because their teenage emotions were very heavily at that time? The hatred they had to the people who bullied them? Or was it because the two were like a bomb, ready to explode and that certain thing made these two so close? Or was it all of those, and they were also scared for adulthood? Not sure where they'd go in life, so they decided to do that 3 or 4 weeks before they graduated. Yes, I think they did was wrong, and they are wrong for doing that. Just how they acted is very interestinh to me.
I guess I just pick onto a charater's thoughts- oh and when I write dialogue or thoughts, I imagine their voice saying it. That can be hard because sometimes you don't remember or they don't sound good when they are saying it.

6. Any favorite x reader or Skyrim character?
I don't know, I had many favorite x readers I wrote and then got a new favorite. My favorites have to be
* ~What did you expect?~ Vex x reader x Bishop
* Confusion with a hint of jealousy ~Jealous!Vilkas x Reader x Farkas~
I guess because I worked hard on them and it had a lot detail put into it.
My favorite Skyrim character? Man this is hard, it's probably be Gabriella, Vilkas, Aela, Athis, Astrid, Bishop (even if he is from a mod), and I just like too many to choose from.

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