[PREVIEW] Sorcery ~Bishop x reader lemon~

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This might have some errors in it, I didn't edit it yet since I didn't finish it. It sucks soooo much though, even for my first ever lemon.

Bishop watched you walk down the stone walls of a bandit hideout, biting his lip as he trailed behind. Trying not to stare down-

And he looked down, definitely not what he wanted to do, but his urges got the best of him as his cloth that covered his..parts..felt tighter to his bear skin under his armour & a simple tunic. Being sweaty from running around didn’t help much either. It felt like his tunic stuck to his body, taking the form of his body. Each ab & muscle he had on his body, the tunic felt like it took the form of it.

His breathing quicken and got heavier with each breath as his eyes couldn’t take off her behind. Like sorcery.

He even looked at it when bandits came to disturb his watching. He got even more sweaty as he got hotter, his wanting got stronger. He was one to control his desires, but this. This was too much for him.

“Ladyship, can we stop anywhere? Like, a bedroll for instance?” She thought he was just being his pervert self, until she saw the look in his golden eyes. His eyes showed he was serious, damn serious.
“I think there might be one around his bandit den-”
“Perfect, now let’s kill these bandits as quickly as we can. Don’t want to ease out the feelings, don’t we?” She sighed, knowing he wanted her like most men around Skyrim. Only that half of them wanted her because she was a dragonborn, Bishop wanted her whether or not she was a dragonborn.

After they killed every bandit they saw, Bishop walked around the hideout twice to check that no one, but him, will see what he’ll do to her. Only his. When he came back, she was still setting up where they’ll stay that night as darkness drew closer.
He walked over to a wooden table and leaned against it, on purpose to see her behind. He was glad the clothes under her armour (she took off her armour) took a good shape of her behind, but he wanted to tear the piece of cloth off her with his animalistic wants & needs.
“Mm I do like the look of your behind, sweetness.”
She turned around to face him, confused as to what her ranger looked at. “Excuse me?” Bishop didn’t answer in words, only having a wolfish grin. Then she knew exactly what he was looking at and talking about, a blush came over the flesh on her cheeks.
“No answer? Then, does this mean I can have the dragonborn as mine?”
“W-Wait- h-hold on, in what way?”
“Don’t be stupid, you know what I’m talking about.” His wolfish grin turned the opposite as his lust filled eyes turned into a glare. She felt the same attraction feeling even when he glared, does she want him too?

“Sorry for acting stupid then, I know what you want. A-are you sure you want to..do..me?” Bishop kept his glare, “if I am saying this stuff then I am damn serious. You think I just want to get into your pants and then leave? That low of me?” She shaked her head frantically, not what she was intending. “No! I don’t think low of you at all! I didn’t mean it in that way-”

“Then what did you mean? Tell me and not play games with me or else I might just leave you down here alone.” He is pissed. She sighed and explained, looking down to the stone rocky floor. “I want you too..that’s what I meant. I didn’t know if you were joking with me about you feeling that way.” She looked up at him for his approval, an understandment of what she was saying. He nodded, understanding, his eyes going back to the lust filled ones than his glaring. “Am I sure about this.” He mocked, looking over at the wall, “sure as hell I am.” He walked over to her, smirking down at her as he grabbed her shoulders in his grip.

For a moment he stared down at her, to tease her and to see what she’d do. She only looked up at him and wasn’t sure what to do, showing in her eyes. He growled and kissed her lips passionately, his grip on her shoulder getting tighter.

She melted into the kiss, enjoying every moment as Bishop slid down his hands from her shoulders to her back, rubbing/tracing tiny circles on her back over the clothes she has on. She wrapped her arms around his neck, trying to pull him closer and closer to her as much as possible.

Bishop smirked against her lips as he opened his eyes a little, seeing that tint of blush that every girl has when they see him. He lightly scraped his teeth upon her bottom lip, getting her warmed up for what’ll happen. He suspected this never happened to her as she acted pretty nervous about the whole thing, Bishop wanted to go straight into it due to his desires. But he didn’t want to scare or hurt the poor girl, he truely loved her, but he didn’t want to cause any harm. Definitely not from him, even if another caused harm to her, he wouldn’t think anything else than to cause harm to them as well.

Bishop felt that she was ready, not for the whole thing, but for a little bit of roughness from him. He bit her lip as lightly as he could to not cause that much harm to her. She jumped a little in his grip, his smirk grew slightly wider. He pulled away and started placing kisses on her neck, trailing down from starting under the end of her chin line. His light yellow eyes looked at her, she was biting her lip as he placed the sweet kisses. His lips pulled away, just inches away from the skin, as he looked at her from the side.
“Ready?” He asked her in a low, but soft, voice. Making her shiver from the breath of his voice touched the sensitive spot on her neck. She nodded and there he went, her simple nod was his command to do what he wanted to do for a long time. He started to kiss her sensitive spot on her neck, moments later he started to suck on the skin before him.

His feelings inside him stirred and grew more a when he heard that damn, lovely, voice. Moaning only for him, from him. A smirk could be sensed from his voice, “more then?” He purred against her skin, going back to kissing around the sensitive spot. He pulled away to see the hickey he left on her skin, to show his ownership of her, and being her very first (on which he only suspected).
Shaking him out of his thoughts, he looked over at her. “Hm?”
“More?” His eyes lit up as those words came out of her mouth. “So you do like it?” He purred and left a kiss on her cheek. She nodded shyly, Bishop definitely seemed to have more experience than she did.

Bishop helped her out of her clothes, first getting her shirt off and then pants. He took off her bra and kissed her lips, more in lust than ever. She was definitely turned on now, well more than she was before, Bishop definitely knew how to keep her at bay than easing it out. As he trailed kissed down her body he got to the part he liked the most, and wanted the most. He looked up at her and a smirk tugged at the edge of his lips, his eyes showed if he could go forward with this. She nodded a little, she felt sort of nervous as well. As this was her very first time, but knowing Bishop, he’ll try not to let harm in her way.

He slowly pulled down the cloth and a blush tinted his cheeks when he saw it.

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