Jealous or just possessive? ~Overprotective!Lydia x Reader x Farkas~ (3)

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Heading out early for the morning, Lydia felt extremely tired. She didn’t know why, was it the thoughts that kept her awake last night? The nightmare she woke up in sweat from? Combination of the two? It didn’t matter, she had to pay attention to the two and the sky on their journey to Whiterun. The companions were having a special event in a few days and they had to make it there, it was important to Farkas. Whatever Farkas wanted, Y/N followed. That can be either good or bad, matters on what side of the coin.

Lydia had no clue what this whole event was, to honor Hircine or Ysgramor was it? Lydia sighed as she kept back to the back of Jorrvaskr, in one of the lonely tables. She was slightly jealous on watching Farkas and Y/N’s interactions that happened that night. This event, the people, the happiness, it made Lydia go back to her past once again.
In the Nord household the smell of mead was strong in the house, and food that was on the table for them all to eat. It was a family gathering. Small little Lydia at the time didn’t even know that she had family in Cyrodiil or in High Rock! It amazed her and it made her even more interesting when the family members that came from there talked about their journeys to Skyrim. But when it was time for Lydia and the other children to go to bed or else a falmer will creep into their room and eat their tiny little toes, Lydia had no clue what was happening out there. Lydia’s mom, dad, and other family members were very skooma based, half of her family members drank skooma. Lydia’s curiosity didn’t think much when she saw the small bottle that was out accidently.

But a few years later when she was older, they had they family gathering event again. This time, Lydia was older and smarter, she knew what skooma was. From guards arresting people on the street of them carrying the drug, and just learning about it from the alchemist by the market area. Lydia teared up and was full of anger when she had to go to bed with the children in her family, because they were scared. And her mother kindly pressured her to do that as well, but her mother was scared that she would find out.
Her mother was scared because her daughter was very interested in the law and would talk about wanting to be a guard when she’s older. Lydia had many run ins on reporting crimes, and if she found out what her mother did even though she did know, Lydia would probably report it. Lydia would’ve if she had evidence, but when you report a crime you have to have evidence. Lydia didn’t have any, so reporting it would be useless and her mother would be very angry with her. When Lydia got older, she hated her mother and hated the members in her family that did skooma. A lot of her family members were stupid, they thought she didn’t know when anyone can tell the smell of skooma when it’s mistakenly spilled onto clothing. When Lydia learned the smell of skooma, her house was full of it. She grew use to the smell, but she would go for a walk if the smell got too much for her.

The old woman, who she guessed was the maid of the Companions, looked like an old version of her mother. It scared her.
“Lydia! You-!”
She heard her mother’s and father’s yells towards her as her siblings and the kids of the family members that were being arrested, stood next to her. Lydia finally found enough evidence to report them, she was so happy to report them from her hatred she had towards them for years. The two only ‘loved’ each other because they both had skooma and it helped with their addiction.
Citizens surrounded around to watch the area, this was the biggest news, almost of a whole family getting arrested due to skooms. The place was run on crime and people were arrested over everyday, but it was usually only one person arrested, not many. Lydia was old enough that she didn’t have to live with anyone, so her aunt (whom stopped her skooma addiction months ago from this time) vouched to take care of her siblings and the other kids. That night, Lydia cried, she cried because she was scared. What if they are going to arrest her for thinking she was involved in it because she was their child? She wasn’t crying because of her parents, no.

There was a tug on her armour and she turned quickly to see who it was. Her thane stood in front of her, smiling a little as well.
“I need to talk, meet me outside.” She pointed to the back doors of Jorrvaskr. Lydia nodded a little and stood up straight, “a-alright.”

It was getting dark out, as the sky was bright yellow and fading orange. Her thane was waiting at the bottom of the steps. Lydis made her way over to her.
Y/N sighed and rubbed her arm, getting ready to spill the news. “Y’know Farkas right?”
“That fool who will get you into trouble and will probably shorten your life, yeah.” Lydia replied stubbornly as she crossed her arms across her chest.
“Sure..yeah..well..I learned, he actually had a sweetheart back home in Whiterun. He thought we were only good friends, even among all the things we did.” She laughed a little, “it felt so real y’know? Like..damn.”
Lydia grinned, she knew how she felt. “So you know how I feel, now you’re running back to me to let you back into my arms. Just like a scared little skeever.” Lydia was angry and finding enjoyment in this tournament towards her. Even if she did find some regret in it. “What if I am?” Lydia’s eyes widen and Y/N moved closer. Closer, and even closer. Closer to where their eyes were only inches apart, her hand rested onto the cold steel of her armour.

“I love you, my protector.”
Her thane slowly leaned in and pressed her lips against hers, Lydia took in the sweet taste of mead--much like honey, she felt like she has been waiting for this for years. Lydia whispered a love you back to her when Y/N pulled away, and then whispered again to her.

“And you’re my thane, I am sworn to protect your life. Even if it means I die protecting it.”

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