Through blood, sweat, and injuries ~Hadvar x reader~

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And injuries.

Blood tattered both of the armour the two imperials had. Sweat covering their faces, getting hot under their armour from the sweat. Also, injures coated their skin all over their body.

As they looked upon the dead bodies of the stormcloaks and their small group they lead. Only you two were left in the ambush of the stormcloaks of your tiny little group.
“I was meaning to give you this.” Hadvar spoke out through the sweat, panting, and the silence. He got out a ring that had a blue emerald on it. He put it into your hand as you examined it.
He smiled as your eyes lighted up like a torch in a nordic ruin. He grabbed the ring from your hand and looked up at you, his hand out in front of him (ring in this other). “Hand please?” He asked as he grabbed the hand you put in front of him. Sliding the ring on one of your ring finger, he chuckled again. “I still have the same feeling about you since we met when we were fighting the stormcloak bastards.” He looked up from looking at the ring he gave you, “I promise we’ll win this war. Together.”

He was right, his promise was right, the imperials won. He got you a nice home in Solitude, next to the Blue Palace. Hadvar was now one of the thanes of Solitude and served Solitude greatly as much as he can. After a while you learned you were pregnant with two twins, a boy and a girl who would grow up to be in the other war that happens years after.

This is short I’m sorry, any requests for me?

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