Because Of A Bird ~Bishop x heroic!reader~

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I never wrote Bishop as his personally seems a bit tough to pull off. I’ll try my best.

He, as in Bishop (my companion), didn’t like it. He likes animals, but he gets annoyed with how I am all heroic to everything. Wanting to help everyone in any way I can. He just spoke in silence the dusky ash sky shared with the lands of Skyrim. We both stared at the bird with a broken wind, staring up at us with frightened stare locked on us.
“Animals die, it’s a circle of life. Birds die the same, this happens to every bird at some point in its life.”
I hated how rude he was in the beginning, his attitude that made my anger reach it’s peak. My veins boiling, wanting to punch his lovely face into the dirt. Where he belongs.

He acted like he knew everything. Stupid Ranger.
“What about Karnwyr? He’s an animal, he dies as well.”
I couldn’t shake the exact words he spit out about the bird. How he can act so cold to it when he has an animal himself.
“Ladyship, Karnwyr is a wolf. He dies as well, he’s not a bird, he lives much longer than a bird. We don’t even have a connection with this bird you are saving, like everyone else! Just for coin? Why don’t you, heroic hero of Skyrim, tell me why you save these people!”

Bishop is one who you can’t easily change his opinion, so determined about his own. Willingly to fight for it no matter what. Is this what I like about him? One of many other trait he shows?

“It’s not just for the coin Bishop! It’s for Skyrim! For the people! Seeing the joy on their faces! To erase one of their worries! I am willing to put my life out for them! Than you who just treat people like shit and want to save your wolf! Only caring about your wolf! Why even go with me if you didn’t have a connection with me, huh Bishop!?”

How did we sort out our unfinished ongoing arguments? I don’t know how we did it, we just made it up without speaking, since we rely on each other? We have grown a bigger friendship to a relationship ever since finding his wolf.
“Because..because..ever since I laid my eyes on- why are you bringing this out anyways! You were the one who came up to talk to me about ‘hiring’, and started talking about your damn fox!”

I brought it to the nearest place I could find that we could stop at for a while. We found an abandoned, broken house that some bear was in. It gave me a nasty grinning scar on my cheek which burned. Bishop tried the best he could with helping it heal, but it still burned. We couldn’t do anything about it.

I tried a healing hands spell on the bird, it helped a little.
“You should really just give up on the bird-” He was tightening his boots from walking the long roads Skyrim spread before us. “I’m not giving up on the damn bird!” I made a simple bandage out of cloth and added a potion, some khajiit gave me from getting an item of his.
(A/N: I don’t know how to help a bird’s broken wing, definitely in the time of Skyrim. So I am VERY likely wrong on this stuff.)

After weeks of the bird’s healing process. We arrived at our house days later, Bishop was holding a very private personal secret from me. But I knew what it was, as from walking in on him playing with the bird perched on his hand. His warm smile made me smile when watching it. He was too interested in the bird to notice I was watching him. Moving his fingers as the bird dug his/her claws into each one as he/she, (name for the bird), moved around. The floor creaked from my foot setting.

I took note of this and quickly jumped away. Going besides the opened door. Bishop looked up from where he sat on the edge of the bed, seeing nothing, but sensing something wasn’t right.

(In a 3rd person pov)
He set the bird down on his/her perch, and got up. Walking out the room, slowly, taking a sense of the feeling and surroundings around him. He peered out the door and looked to his right to spot Y/N, a (r/o/c). Clenching his fists, his outer personality showed. He didn’t like people learning his personal feelings, his sweet side, he would show little of. He couldn’t be as mad as he would be to a wrench watching him.
“I was just feeding (name), that’s all.” He walked past her, trying to act like nothing happened. A grin plastered her face as she saw him walk away to the fire area.

She mocked in a gruff type of voice, “Animals die, it’s a circle of life. Birds die the same, this happens to every bird at some point of its life.” She added while giggling at his expressions changing. “You said you wouldn’t have a connection to a bird like your wolf. It seems you fooled your own self.” He growled in response.

He tried to ignore you the whole day. He couldn’t take it and broke his promise to himself for that day.

(R/o/c) = Race Of Character as in; Breton, Nord, Orc, etc.

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