Drunk ~Drunk!Bishop x reader~ (2/2)

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"Then what does a Dragonborn suppose to look like?"
"I dunno. Taller, muscular, maybe a guy, longer hair, usually brown is how they paint the stereotypical Dragonborn in books. A helmet he usually wears." Bishop shrugged and finished eating, pushing the bowl away.
"Well, I mean, you're one of the few people I've told it publically to than being remembered."
"What do you mean?" He arched his eyebrow at her, confused. He thought a Dragonborn would love to tell others about them, and the compliments they receive from being one. Maybe this was a different Dragonborn than how the Dragonborn is told and shown in history.

She trembled in her seat. Her finger drumming against the table due to her nervousness. Bishop had no clue what she was nervous about, why is she so nervous and scared to tell me? Not like she looks like she's done anything bad, or worse than me.
"I-I am the Dragonborn," She stated the truth. Bishop just sat there, unsure what to say. He didn't care, confused, and thinking she was lying all at the same time. But really, he could only care if that was going to weight him down.
Usually these girls ask him if he want to adventure with them or date them, and he's suspecting she would ask him this.
"You sure? You don't look like one after all.." He looked up and down her body, to him, she didn't seem to fit Dragonborn.
"I am sure of it, I'm surpised you didn't bow down and kiss my hand, treat me like royalty."
He rolled his eyes, "I never would do that to anyone than to make a girl get into my bed. Of course that guesture wouldn't mean anything and I wouldn't be a real man. But I wouldn't do that to anyone, than for that reason alone."
She nodded, he had a unqiue personality, and a way of thinking. "I'm guessing you want to go home now?" She stood up and grabbed the bowls to clean them. Behind her, while she washed the dishes, she could hear him get up from the table.
"Actually, I don't mind staying here for a little while longer."
Y/N thought he would be more cold and want to leave, from how he acted so far. But she didn't mind him staying.
The reason, even if it does sound selfish, she brought him home than buy a room or bring him somewhere else was because of how he looked and acted. Sure he acted mean, but his looks were different from everyone else's, in a good way.

Bishop walked out of the room and into planning to wash himself, in his bag, he had a different tunic and pants that were under his armour that he'd change into.
Getting out the brown tunic and dirty brown pants he had, he made his way to the bathroom in her house.
The clothes were in a bundle in his hands as he walked down the hallway, to the bathroom at the end of the small hallway. Why do I trust her and like this place so much? Is it because she draws me so much to her? Because she's dragonborn? No, that can't be it, the other women who brought him home when he was drunk were all different. One was a maid, another was a warrior, a horse keeper, a baker, a preistess, and a few other titles as well.

Bishop decided to think more in the shower, when he had full alone time and more time to think. He set his clothes on the sink and got out of his clothes he had on, and got into the bath.
He washed his hair and body until he thought those were cleaned. During the bath, he kept thinking of the Dragonborn. Imagining her and just random thoughts of her. Why was he so attracted to her?

This questioned seemed to never be answered until later, weeks and months later, after their numurous fights. Many battles with enemies, and both being teammates. Drinking, eating, and resting in inns.
It was on the night when he was laying in the shared bed with her, so they wouldn't give extra. Her heavy breaths were calming to his ears. Thinking of the way she fought, better than he suspected of her, but how she accepted every quest her way annoyed him to no end.
Was it the way she fought? No. Was it her beauty? Maybe. Could it be because of her personality and aura? Maybe, most likely. Or is it how she's different from every other girl he met, and how she didn't ask him straight away to date? Most likely so, probably. They weren't even dating yet, but he could tell she did have a crush on him. How she blushed when he was too close to him on purpose. His flirting towards her, she didn't yell at him or anything.
He turned over in bed, on his side, and looked her over. Her h/c hair that reached to (location/body part), her (weight), her looks all together, and personality as well. Bishop sighed and wanted to brush her hair and mess with it, but that might scare her. He then turned on his back, looking up at the cieling. He knew he wouldn't get any sleep tonight because of his thoughts of her.

Sorry, it was a bit short.
Notice the title changed a bit? I found a better title for this.
Requested orginially by: RiisaTheHunter
Requested for a 2nd part: RiisaTheHunter & Epius1832

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