A/N: Just a lil' something I wrote

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Sorry, this is not a skyrim piece, but I have written something that might interest you guys.
Normally, I don't write about youtubers. I use to, but not much anymore, but antisepticeye caught my eye for a while. I use to write about him, in a fanfiction that never got finished, and I thought I totally forgotten about writing him. But nope, that damn bastard still interests me sometimes lmao. He's just so interesting to me.
I don't know if any of you know of jacksepticeye or the evil side of him that fans made up. I don't watch JSE as much as I use to, and I suck at writing scary/horror stuff. But, I wrote this and sorta proud of it??
Sorry about not updating with skyrim x readers and then posting this work that is irrelevant to this. But, some of you might like this and want to see my.other work. Here's the thing I wrote, not much, and it hasn't been checked for grammar or anything yet, but I am maybe planning on writing stuff about him  (in another book of course) on here. Anyway, here it is:

After getting bored of scrolling through the endless posts on Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, and even YouTube, one of the most known youtubers decided to go looking for a new game to play. For whatever free time he had or for his job.
A few series on his YouTube channel were getting close to ending, and he didn't want to end up with nothing to record or play for a day. He checked his list full of fast, scribbled down notes and game titles.
Reading through all the games he had planned and the ones he already crossed off and finished, his eyes spotted a new game he hasn't played yet and was interested in.

The game was simple, almost. The main adjective for the game was simple, but it was a game that would make him rage. So maybe the game wasn't so simple then.
He shrugged and decided he was going to play that game the next day, he decided to look deeper into it than a quick glance at the first few sentences of the description and the colorful and flashy art in the photos.

As Sean, commonly known as Jack, scrolled through the description of a game he was planning on playing, on steam. His cheek rested against the palm of his right hand, his fingers curled to keep his face almost straight up, as he read. His eyes read the text in front of him on his bright computer screen, wondering if he really wanted to play this game or not. Until, his eyes stopped and focused on a part of a word, anti.
The word was antisocial originally, but the beginning four letters made his heart pound in his chest.
Youtubers normally are made up to have a dark side by fans that’s sometimes presented in fanfiction, fan art, or just moments to where they think the YouTuber acts like their suppose “dark side” typed out in the comments under their video. But Sean, with knowing really well that his fans would reference him, and he would play along with it most of the time, now was experiencing bad things with it. It wasn’t just a fantasy - not a plain joke anymore, or a teenager’s imagination, it was becoming reality,

The past three months were strange for him.
First it was waking up at odd hours, feeling like something was watching him in the dark corners of his room, and then the mimicking laughter of his own echoing in the halls of his home.

He knew he wasn’t going insane in his own head because everyone who stayed at or visited his house would have a story to tell about what they experienced.
His friends even told him that he needed to stop this creepy act because it was scaring them. Whenever he would leave, to go to the bathroom or to just do something really quick, something spine tingling would happen.
Either it was that same laugh Sean heard echoing in his hallway at late hours of the night, or his character moving on its own in the game when they all knew Sean wasn’t present, or just something that would be in their thoughts about this strange behavior of his.
Sean knew well that it was scaring him on the inside too, the thoughts he didn’t want to listen to, and those four letters brought him back to the dark part of his reality.

It wasn’t fiction, it was reality and it was tearing him up on the inside, wanting to make itself a new home in him.

Somewhat cheesy, in my opinion, but I never really wrote much for scary stuff. But yeah, sorry for about another A/N and not writing skyrim stuff in a while. (I noticed I say sorry too many times, yeah, um, sorry.)
I'm planning on going back to writing Skyrim x readers again, just school is starting next week (wednesday) and I have to prepare for that, too. I'm going to be a freshmen in high school! But, I might write antisepticeye stuff in another book if anyone is interested. I am just not sure what it's going to be about. Random writings of Jack/Sean dealing with it? A somehow fanfiction of him dealing with it? (X reader, maybe, because that's what I'm more into writing, or I'll just make up a character for it or something - or not even add another character. Just Jack dealing with it and stuff.) I don't know, I'll more about it.

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