Embarrassment ~Aela The Huntress x reader~

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Oh yeah boiiiii one of my girl crushes in Skyrim. Woooo!
(Requested by, wolfazorro)

Only one time she could correctly get her wolf form out, where she didn’t surrender to the pain it caused her. That was the only time she didn’t feel stress after because she thought she got it and could do it without hesitation. That small confidence built up inside her.
But that was short lived, making those emotions she thought she got over and surpassed come out out of the dark.

“Y/N you got this, we all had to go through this at some point. Just to some it’s easier than to others.”
Aela knew how easily Y/N could get embarrassed to things, making the dark parts of her mind come out to play. She was a sensitive girl, ever since she was born she was this way, not as strong as some other girls were.
Y/N bit her lip, putting her trust in Aela, that it will all be okay.  “If you say so,” she breathed out and started her transformation.

The wolf inside her clawed and digged on the inside, desperately wanting to get out and was howling away. But the pain, her bones feeling like they are on fire and that they were going to break in half, was too much to bair for the sensitive girl. The hair growing on her body was annoying, making her itch in those places the hair started to grow into long black locks of fur.
She collapsed.
All of it being too much to bair and too much of a strain for her.

Aela sighed, the torch in her hand lighting up her face, showing her forgiveness since she knew how hard it was for her. In a low voice, she mumbled, “I’m sorry Y/N.”
Y/N’s body ached and her eyes felt heavy, “It’s fine. At least I am a werewolf and I have the blood in me.”
“But, Y/N, I know how much you want to run, be free, escape reality in your true self, the beast inside you. Feel the adrenaline of the hunt through your veins. All of us like that once in awhile, but being successful in the wolf transformation can be as deadly as being in that form.” Aela took a breather and continued, “It comes out of nowhere, unexpected. At least you have trouble being in that form and transforming at random doesn’t affect you as much. You can stop it at your own will if you feel the need to transform. None of us have that power and will.”

The two walked back to Whiterun in silence, the only voice was the wind singing away and brushing up against their soft skin. Hoping tomorrow would be a better day, for all of them.

Sorry for this being so short!! I really liked writing this one though.

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