Deep thoughts ~Cael x reader~

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I forgot who requested me to write Cael, because I remember getting a comment about it, but I can't find it. Shucks. So, this is for you whoever requested this!
Edit: just found out from searching a little more that weirdness160 requested this character for me to write a x reader for

Stars..anything about them amazed you. Anything with the moon or night time made you feel relaxed when you stared at it, sitting on the edge of Cael's village, legs hanging. A steep hill was under your feet, but it didn't scare you as you did this often.

But, being in the land of Markarth makes the nature more pleasing almost. And the forsworn culture was interesting, how they related on nature and made their own rules.

You felt a hand on your shoulders, it wasn't a hard grip on them, but soft almost. It rubbed the curves of your shoulder with it's thumb.
"My're out late again.." He kissed the top of your head and sat down next to you, his legs under his body than sittig on the edge. He was a few inches away from the edge. "It's pretty. How could anyone adventuring right now just not he amazed at what Skyrim offers? The trees, the sky, the grass or stone under their feet. Most of then are isolated in city walls above their head." The dragonborn was more referencing Markarth or Windhelm, which had high walls.

"That's what saddens me as well, everyone is too scared to go outside the holds and embrace nature because of the war, bandits, and dragons. Such a shame that people are scared of the nature and people their homeland has, but then everyone runs on gold and never had enough." Forsworns never really use gold, they have no use to. Y/N saw that on their enemies, only her really grabbed the gold from the bodies. The other forsworns just left them there or grabbed a weapon, or maybe armour, they had. The dragonborn had more of a use for it, because it seemed every place she went, they all needed money for something. Carriages, shopkeepers, for ale, everything needed gold nowadays.

"'re right Cael. Isn't it weird that I grab gold from the dead bodies whole the other forsworn don't?" He shook his head, smiling a little. "No, they know how different for people than them fight and how they live life. And if they did, what's the use of caring? Everyone judges each other, so what's the point?" Cael stated, that sounds like something Bishop would tell me. Maybe they did have something in common.

The elk's noises in the silent night made the two turn their attention to it. Bishop, who was Y/N companion, was petting the elk behind it's ears as his wolf licked the elk's face. Cael chuckled a little and looked at Y/N. "Seems that Bishop does like my village." She nodded a little, grinning, and then Bishop noticed and didn't care, he continued petting the elk. Cael tugged at the end of the clothes you had on, leaving your armour in the tent you and Cael shared. He leaned in, close to your ear and whispered, "should we get going to bed? It seems that it's getting late." You blushed since he was so close to you, just inches away from your ear and face.

Sneaking into the tent, you tried not to wake the others up, you both slipped under the covers. The chill that started made you even colder, Cael grabbed you and pulled you closer to him. His blonde hair smelled like smoke, pine needles, and other nature smells. It soothed you almost, knowing someone is by you, that you aren't alone. Not scared that when you wake up there won't be bandits at your throat. You had Bishop, but he didn't make you feel emotion in the love area, but he was attractive and you cared for him. You just never had this romantic feel like you have to Cael, you immediantely got hit with this feeling when you saw him in the steel cage in Markarth. You felt trust in him, and you knew you were crazy that you trusted a man in a cage that you just met. But, you never understood why many of people living in Skyrim hated the forsworn or labled them as bad people. They're just trying to protect their homeland and you distrubed them with coming into their area.

Imagine a thief coming into your home, your first instinct is to kill or try to get them to leave. Right? The forsworns are doing just that, protecting their home and their fellow team mates, also their beliefs.

You got even more tired as you thought deeper and deeper. Leaving you to fall asleep in Cael's arms.

I think I sucked at Cael's personality in this, well I tried. Sorry if this sucks to whoever requested this.

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