Jealous or just possessive? ~Overprotective!Lydia x Reader x Farkas~ (2)

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The next morning Lydia was the first one up, well she thought was.
Coming out of her tent, she saw the fire was turned to ashes and heard screaming from not that far away. Looking up immediately to find the source to the sound. She sighed as she saw a small (r/o/c), her thane, and Farkas. They were screaming while running away from a giant they messed with. She groaned as she facepalmed, already knowing where this day will be going

“How about we stop at the inn on our way back to Whiterun?” Y/N suggested as she saw a tavern in the distances. Lydia agreed as Farkas followed her like a lost puppy, the two got into each other massive trouble. Running into a falmer den, getting attacked by two dragons already when Y/N started yelled at one. Farkas was a bad influence because before, Y/N wouldn’t get into this much trouble. But Lydia had no say in this as she wanted to respect the dragonborn and didn’t want to give out her overprotective mom comments.
Opening the wooden door to the tavern, ale, and food, flooded Lydia’s nose. “Ale sounds about good right now!” Y/N exclaimed, making her way to the bar where a redguard woman stood behind. She threw a few gold coins onto the bar and ordered some ale for her and Farkas. Knowing Lydia doesn’t like drinking, Lydia is traumatized after the last incident she had with drinking. She doesn’t like losing her senses and self, so Lydia just stuck with milk instead.

The male bard in the inn sang a song about the dragonborn, Lydia sighed as she looked across the inn to Y/N. She was having a drinking contest with her new pal, Lydia felt sorry for herself. Knowing she won't ever be able to have a family, or a love life really, and she was heartbroken. What could possibly be better in that mutt than her? The woman who saved her from falling, from multiple bandits, guards, and trolls or giants. That mutt only gets her into major trouble, or wose, soon he might lead her to her death.
The Nord woman dug into her bag, bring out an old doll with button for eyes, and saw hair that wasn't comfortable to sleep with by her face. She remembered when she was a little girl, cuddling this special toy at night, how uncomfortable it was when the straw hair would rub against her face. Always having to move it down, away from her face.

Then, when she was starting to be a mercenary. Her father gave to her as a good bye gift from him. Lydia would never see her father or mother again, even if she did have some hatred for them. Her thoughts wondered to what her aunt or uncle were doing, if they were in jail for finally being arrested for selling skooma. Her aunt and uncle were very rich and would pay off any crime they commited, the skooma business they had made them rich and made guards bat an eye at them.

Lydia put the doll back into her bag, she looked at it one last time before closing the bag up. "I'm so sorry.."

Lydia sat onto the bed of their rented room, trying to ignore the loud drunk talking and laughter Farkas and Y/N shared. Y/N could hold her liquor pretty well as Farkas got drunk after a few drinks.
Hearing someone at the entrance of their room, Lydia looked up the small doll she had in her hands she got out from her bag. “Yeah?”
“What’s with you lately? You’ve been more strict and not like what you use to be.” Her thane stated as Lydia looked down at the doll, swirling the hair on the doll in her fingers. “I don’t know what you’re talking about..”

“What I’m talking about is that you’re less talkative, you seem frustrated almost all the time.” Lydia didn’t notice this as she almost was always strict and overprotective, like a mother. But something was digging in her thoughts and it had to come out. “I..” She sighed, “I love you Y/N. I really do. Seeing you be romantic and friendly to Farkas makes me..feel heartbroken. Knowing I’ll forever be in your favor and likely not get a love life or a family life myself.” Lydia fumbled with the dagger on her side. “I”m..jealous. Okay?”

Sorry for the short thing of this, but I wanted to end this sort of on a cliff hanger, I’ll make a part..3 to this soon (and if anyone wants it as well)
Thanks for the request for me to make an another part to this, requested by Epius1832.
166 reads on the first part of the Lydia x reader x Farkas mini series, hope you all enjoy this short little mini series I am making of the x reader. I can really make any 2nd or 3rd part to any x reader if you guys want me to!

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