I would say you're the jealous one ~Bishop imagine~

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Bishop x Jealous!Reader
I got this idea from DeztaRose but she requested a Jealous!Bishop x reader, and for this one the jealousy is switched. But I'll still do the Jealous!Bishop x reader, I just need to think of the plot.
This imagine is centered around where you are in the bannered mare in the Skyrim Romance Mod

“I don’t like them touching you.”

Bishop raised an eyebrow at her, what did she think the wench was to me?
“Jealous are we?” he chuckled.
The Dragonborn glared up at him, the ranger towered over her and was more built than her slim frame. She crossed her arms and tried her best to show her anger and annoyance.
“I’m not jealous, I have a reason to be a little possessive.”
“Oh, do you now?” Bishop kept plucking at the tiny strings to make her even more annoyed and angry with him, it was like a game for him. She did the same to him sometimes, too.

Y/N sighed and scratched her right brow, making her left brow raise.
She remembered the red haired girl touch Bishop upper arm in a way to try to seduce and persuade him. She payed more attention to the girl and him more than anything in that room. But, the dragonborn wouldn’t admit that she listened to most of the conversation.

Bishop wasn’t anything near to having the same personality or interested with that wrench from earlier. The only thing Y/N could think of a comparison between the two is that they both take what they want when they want, and they won’t give up to do so.

“Anyway, it isn’t any of your business to know what happened. You have your reasons and I have mine.” Bishop glanced over to the open room that was their bedroom, only if it had one bed and a few baskets of food sitting around.
He looked back at the jealous Dragonborn, “You are nowhere near to being possessive over me, you can be and you can think you are, but I am not your packed mule to haul around for yourself and your own gain.” He sighed and calmed down from his serious and cold behavior, “But, I think it’s time to go to bed. Don’t want you tired in the morning for our new adventurer of finding a lost spoon, ladyship.”

She huffed and pushed back the hood covering her head and hair. Her h/c hair sprung to life and started to lay on her back.
“I guess so,” she mumbled lowly and started to walk off to that tiny bedroom.

Maybe she was jealous.

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