Her thoughts ~Ulfric x reader~

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Just thoughts of a high elf who's writing to her love that's far from where she lives.

It's valentines now, how are you? Why do I even bother! You're probably ordering your drunken soliders to go out and fight like every other day. I wonder if you even give a thought about me during the day, and how often if you do. Do I burn inside your heart when you think of me, wanting me close to you, like I do. Do you imagine me pressed against your side and cuddling me on the lonesome nights where your thoughts are the only sound in that cold night? Or, do you just can't take enough the stress that's put on you because the war, and it eases when you imagine putting my long blonde locks into a braid that's made poorly? I can't be the only one to think of this, or am I just a hopeless romantic fool that will never get my jarl in my arms? Enough of this emotional spilling, I thought about you more often than I'll admit in this paper with my emotions written all over it. Writing down my thoughts about anything makes me less lonely and let me speak to someone when I can't, because you're not here. I'm not in the snowy, cold, city of Windhelm where the races other than nords are thrown insults at and where the butcher resides. I'm in a bar that I work for extra coin that I use to pay for my own room in this place, in a city called Riften. Mead, thievery, and homeless strive in this forest location of trees, tall grasses, and leaves that litter the ground.
Than this selfish talk of myself, I made you something of- okay I'm lying, I bought something for you and you only. A jewely that has emeraled gems, and violet gems on the jewely as well, but I won't tell you what type of jewerly it is. You'll see it when I send it to a courier that has to make his or her way to your palace. Imagine how scared he would be, to face a jarl, a famous jarl of the land of Skyrim. I was like that as well, when I lived in Windhelm until there wasn't any work in there for me and the racism got so much. Can you at least change that? The racism? Is it too much to ask from a high elf? I know it's hard to do--control your own people, but try, for me?
I know this is just a diary I write my thoughts in everytime they bug me, and I want to talk to someone. I have no clue why I'm even writing this like a letter when the only one to see this is me or whoever stumbels upon this. In conclusion of this, please be safe my jarl, and I know some time, some day, I'll be right by your side.

Sorry, I was just in a mood to write one of these, and I decided to choose Ulfric. I like writing about a girl who is in a long distance relationship with a jarl or someone she can't see often.

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