[A/N] sorta on hold

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So I am writing another fanfict as well as x reader(s) and I just feel like blah, not wanting to write. I'm not sure if it's just the school winter break is making me like this, but I'm thinking of taking a break. Since I feel kinda over pushed with stuff to write and stuff in my personal life. I'll try to finish my other fanfict (it's close to ending anyways) to have some of that lay off me (not worrying about it), or maybe school will make me want to write more. I don't like school at all, but the breaks from it always makes me more lazier than normal, and school sorta makes me more into writing. Hard to explain, but I'm just taking a short break from writing x readers for a short while. (I've been writing x readers this break, just not publishing them or finishing them because I just don't want to). But, really it's my fault I've been pushing x readers under the rug and it's making me feel lile crap because I know I need to write them.

You're probably thinking that I'm not making any sense, I don't know if it's me being a teenager that's making me feel like this or just it's break. It's super hard to explain without me seeming..um..foolish? I just hope you guys understand.

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