New story?

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I am not 100% sure if I will continue writing this and publish this, I am 2 chapters in to this new story I am maybe planning on writing. (A fanfiction for Skyrim.)
It's an Aela fanfict, but here is the first chapter. Tell me your thoughts on it! Or any ideas if you have them, or want to tell me. I don't even have a title for it yet haha.

As Skjor's body laid there, cold and not moving, Aela's whole emotions changed.
First, she was more watchful and exicted for their hunt after the almost new blood got out of her werewolf form. Now, she was more angry than her ever could be, grief flooded her, and took her off balance, sending her into a world of emotions.
Seria Arris waan't that different a few years back, when her farm was attacked by some greedy bandits, who thought they were an easy prey. After that incident, she was flung into a world where she had to fend for herself.
She could sympathize with Aela, even though Aela was more emotional on the outside than she was.

"This..this couldn't of happen. He should've gone with a shield sibling. Damn silver hand, they'll get what's coming for them."
Seria's torch was the only light in the dimly lit hide out. The light from her torch lit up one half of Skjor's face, the other face being only a shadow that was faced towards his right side.
She didn't know this companion that well, he was more of annoying to her. Having that attuide, being very stern, but Njada was worst to her than he was. She felt some regret for him though, after just giving the new companion the mostly shunned werewolf blood to become one of those beasts.

All she could escape from her lips, her eyes still staring down at the corpse, "How?"
"Killing every last one of them, that's how." Her tone was more even, back to normal, but there was a rise in anger and emotion in that time too that could be easily noticed.
She looked up, her eyes meeting Aela's pale, almost greyish blue eyes with her own light auburn eyes.
She was eager to go on this hunt to kill the Silver Hand, "What's our first target?"

That was the first chapter.
Chapter 2:
That was the first time the two got very close, working together on their little secret from most in the companions. Some knew and didn't want to bother with Aela or didn't care, and through getting revenge on the Silver Hand,  Kodlak caught wind of it.
Other than that, before, Seria only took jobs from Farkas, she didn't get that close to Aela at all. But she did have a crush on her at this time too, just she didn't have the guts to talk to her crush. Now she didn't think it was that bad for being teaming up with Aela, getting jobs from her, and doing their secret little mission that she handled with.

That was the past, it was blurry to Seria now, her mind was too cloudy with the death if another Companion, their Harbinger, Kodlak. It took a toll on everyone, worse than Skjor's death did. Everything felt some sort of pain from this. Seria dealt with her own demons as everything else did with their remorse, but Aela got more emotional than she did. Aela almost is controlled by her emotions, letting her anger and guilt come out.

" couldn't I have seen this coming? I could have stepped into Jorrvaskr and help Kodlak fight off the Silver Hand? Yet, I didn't."
She closed the door behind her to Aela's room and walked over, taking a spot next to her on the bed. She stared down at the stone flooring.
"I wasn't even here when this all happened."
"But..but you had no choice, you didn't know, I was here. I could have stepped inside. I only took the outside and protected it from anymore incoming danger."
The wood elf raised her head and looked over at Aela, "But you were needed there. What if there were another rush of Silver Hand coming to Jorrvaskr? Only maybe one member would know they are coming, and they couldn't be fighting on their own They would need help, a second person."

Aela wiped the tears on her cheeks and that are coming out already, she sniffled and messed up the green slashes of war paint on her face. She softly grabbed her hand for comfort and held it in a tight grip, rubbing her thumb on the back of Seria's hand.
Seria kissed the top of her head, thinking it was needed in this time of remorse and guilt. She didn't know if it was obvious that she had a crush on the Nord woman, that Aela knew, but she could care less and tried her best to enjoy the moment without worrying or bad thoughts.

Seria spoke up, clearing her throat before speaking, "Hey, why don't we go out and send a night in the woods? Like we use to not that long ago? Do you think that would help?"
"M-Maybe, it might be for good use," Aela answered back. Her voice shakey and low than usual.

I didn't go along with what was really said in those quests, I kinda made up my own dialogue for it. Also, sorry if Aela seems ooc. It's hard to write her character sometimes. But yeah, I have a few ideas in mind for what'll happen next and stuff, but if anyone wanted to, ideas are appreciated! I don't have a title for this yet either.

Also, my apology for making more A/N type posts recently. I am having a bit of a busy week right now, and I'm not sure if I'll post anything on Friday. I might try to, but don't count me on it.

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