Her secrets ~Ulfric x Housecarl!Reader~

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I might suck at Ulfric, but I’ll try my best, he’s a hard character to write. Definitely for love stuff. Sorry for this short thing, I didn't have time to edit it. I might edit it tomorrow or when I have time.

You took a deep breath as you stared at the Palace of the Kings in Windhelm. The snowy winds and the snow covered ground and buildings made you shiver as the winds shook your whole body. Desiring the warm, stone, building in front of you.

You were going to be Jarl Ulfric’s housecarl.

You opened the door and walked inside, the warm of the building covering your body head to toe.
“There she is, the new housecarl.” Galmer exclaimed
(A/N: Galmer didn’t die or anything, he just stepped down as housecarl and just be a general. Sorry if this confuses you, I just had to switch a few things around)
Ulfric just stared down from his throne at you, a grin growing behind his hand against his chin and mouth.
“Y-Yeah, I-I am.” You bowed and Ulfric let out a chuckle. The Empire necklace shaking in your pocket. “You don’t have to be all flowery on me, not like Elisif’s thousand thanes.” You nodded and raised up from your bow.

“I’m sorry Ulfric.” You apologized. “She didn’t stutter, for once.” Galmer chuckled and Ulfric glared at him. He then looked at you. “Galmer will show you where you’ll be sleeping when the night comes.

Months of being Ulfric’s housecarl, you grew worried. You were siding more with the stormcloaks than the Imperials which you originally sided with. You were a housecarl for him because you felt you had nowhere else to work for and your father was a housecarl, so your followed his footsteps and ended up here.

You were in your room, looking at the Empire necklace in your hand when your door opened, someone with heavy boots walked in. Looking up, you saw it was Ulfric

"Why do you have that traitor's necklace in your hand, my housecarl?"
"Because..I was..or am..I don't know if I still side with them anymore."
"So you don't know?"
"Yes." She took a deep breath, "I don't know."
Ulfric stayed quiet, thinking, "I'll leave you to think on your own then. Ask me for my thoughts if you need to know what I think to make your choice on who to side."
She knew if she sided with the Empire, she wouldn't be his housecarl. The housecarl who grew a crush on him. Choices...choices...and choices leading to fate.

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