Forbidden love ~Hadvar x Stormcloak!Reader~

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(Requested by, deadtaco)

Despite the differences between you and them, love conquers all challenges and fates.

Y/N guessed she read that about a thousand times, feeling the quote resonate all too well with the problem she was faced with, in the romantic novel she had laid out on her table.
With a defeated sigh, she closed the book, not even remembering what page it was on in the book.
The civil war was tight at the moment, moving closer and closer to the finishing date than ever before. The imperials were stronger than ever before, but that didn’t stop the Stormcloaks from slaughtering them all in combat.
Y/N didn’t care so much about who was winning like she should, her father who soon passed away would shame her for having this mindset. Did that stop her from thinking this way? Not in the slightest.

Next to the book, her worn out leather satchel was collecting dust. The satchel was full of letters that her and Hadvar sent back to each other. Every letter was in it, from recently and the time they were first started sending these back and forth.
If anyone found out about it, this weird forbidden love, she would get killed or have a long heated chat with Galmer. Luckily no one found out yet, she didn’t know how nobody batted an eye at it or looked twice. She mistakenly left her unfinished letter to Hadvar out on her table, full of romantic stuff she wanted to say to him, to do something else that caught her eye.

Y/N wiped off the dust on the satchel and opened it up, going through all the letters that were kept away for weeks and months. A smile came across her face when her eyes looked over the first time Hadvar called her a loving nickname, the first time he confesses his feelings to her and hoped she felt the same. That same shattering sinking feeling followed her, when she read them, hoping they would meet physically than through handwriting on a paper.
Pushing the letters, she had out, off to the side, she got out a fresh new paper to send to Hadvar, deciding to discuss the war and the time when they were absent in talking to one another.

My dearest Hadvar,
How have you been? I have been fine, I suppose, the war is getting tighter and closer to the end each waking day. I’m not worried though, it is getting closer and closer to when we can meet hopefully. Maybe not, but it’s something to think about. My father would probably yell at me for thinking this way, he was too stubborn for his own good. Always talking, speaking, commenting, and doing stuff for the war that had flooded Skyrim for a while now. Each day we, as people, are dividing and separating from each other due to our opinions towards this war. It’s really sad and tiring. But, what do you think about this all? Can you tell me anything you are/were worried about? I can try my best to solve your worries if you’d like me to.

The letter was pushed off to the side, back in the satchel like all of them are held, waiting for the day to where she can send that letter off.

I liked this one too! I don’t know where I got this intelligent sounding tone (I guess??). But yeah, I hope you guys liked it!

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