"..We should spend christmas our own way." ~Casavir x reader~

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So I didn't do Farkas & Casavir's part in the last boyfriend scenario, you can request other characters to add in the boyfriend scenario. I decided to make them seperate, after writing Farkas' part of the christmas. I'll be writing a daedric prince x reader or a Cael x reader (both requests).
Right now I am sorta stuck in between writer's block and just bored in general, I am just bored with everything right now and sometimes don't feel like writing. And I just don't know what plot to do for a certain character. But, I'll try my best with this.

Yeahhh, so late merry christmas?

"..We should spend christmas our own way." (Sorta long)
In Solitude they had many parties during the year, as Solitude was a place that was common with parties. But this time of year was a very special time.

You remembered when Elisif ordered her stewards, guards, and other people she had control of, to decorate the the dance room. Workers were running around with decorations in their hands. Everyone was rushing to get the room looking nice so the dance would look nice, and the dance was a few days away. Most of the guards were off duty, helping everyone with this, so it gave assassins, thieves, or criminals a easy advantage to crimes more easily. Boxes were stacked upon one another as a guard was standing on top of them, putting up the red strings of ornaments on the walls. And just large red cotton strung up there as well.

Casavir was helping the process of the rush to get all of this finished before the deadline. You were invited to the dance by the jarl, and you wanted to help. you weren't suspecting that Casavir would ask you to the dance, he thought you were just helping.

You felt sort of bad because this christmas day wasn't spent with your family back home in (location). But they understood when you told them you wouldn't make it in time and with the roads and events happening, you didn't want them to come to where you are.
"Casavir, Elisif wanted me to inform you about your new job." Casavir and you turned from where you were, from observing the workers and the work so far. There stood a small dark elf male, wearing the guard uniform but without the guard helmet.

"Ah yes, Ms. Elisif, such a charming and strong woman. What job does she want me to do?" Casavir responded in a honorable manner to the elf, his buttery voice made you weak to your knees. The elf told Casavir that she wanted him to do guard duty around the hold, as the crimes for the last few days were rising from less guards. Casavir looked over at you as the small elf walked off to tell other guards to do the same job as him. "Mind if I leave you here? You can help the others and-"
"I can help."
"But, Y/N, you're not a paladin or even a guard." You still went with your choice, not listening to him. "Casavir remember, I'm the dragonborn. Saving people is my duty and I can do as good-or even better as a guard." Casavir didn't protest further, he still didn't agree with it. He knew he could handle it and didn't need anyone else to accompany him, but he thought: why not try it?

Strolling through the dark streets of Solitude, the torches on the outside walls and Casavir's torch was the only light source on the streets. Only the muffled voices from the winking skeever and the footsteps were the only sounds in the night. Something didn't feel right to Casavir, the feeling tugged at him as they walked.

The feeling eased away and turned into panic and worry when the two stopped when they heard a scream from behind them, sounding like it was close to the market. Turning around quickly, they saw nothing, everything seemed normal. Obviously it wasn't, someone was hurt or going to be.
Next to one of the shops there was a woman staring wide eyed at a bag in front of her. The two walked over and wondered what the problem was. "What's the problem, miss?" Casavir spoke, trying to be as calm as possible.

The woman stuttered, "I-I saw this bag drop from t-the sky! I got so scared, I don't know if a body is in it. Or if a dragon dropped it from the sky. Oh talos, whatever it is..it isn't good." This woman seemed to be a scaredy cat, believing anything. The dragonborn got out her dagger and cut into the cloth, trying not to cut anything on the inside of the bag.

The result was surprising, she dug into the bag and felt something..square. She pulled out whatever was inside and it was..a present. Made of linen cloth. The woman felt embarrassed, scared of nothing. "A bag full of presents?" The dragonborn nodded as she looked over at where the woman stood. Or, was, the woman was running down the street in embarrassment. Y/N couldn't help but sniffle a laugh and looked up at Casavir. "Do we bring this to Elisif?" Casavir shook his head and grabbed her hand, leading him to the guards quarters. "I think we should spend christmas our own way. It's not fair that everyone else can celebrate it and we aren't"

Casavir and Y/N didn't know who the bag belonged to, the two joked that talos (santa in the Skyrim universe, yep) himself sent it down from the sky to Solitude. They both laughed at how the woman reacted to the simple bag, how scared she was, and how badly scared she would be if a dragon was in Solitude.

The dragonborn sighed as they sat in Casavir's special little room, it wasn't that big. It only had a bed of hay and a fur blanket, a very small fireplace, a table and a dresser. With a door that had slender bars, so that anyone passing by could look and see what's happening in the room.
The fire pit lit up the room as the two sat, munching on bread. Inside the presents were children clothes, a very small and weak dagger, a talos amulet. And small treats or a doll for a child. Casavir placed the doll on top of the chest at the end of his bed and surrounded flowers around the doll, the flowers were from the bowl on top of his dresser.

Casavir looked at the doll sadly as he played with the small hair of hay on it's head. Secretly wishing he could have a little girl or boy himself, but having a family or a love life would slow him down. Make him not as devoted to his duty because he has someone holding him down, and with his job, he wouldn't have that much time for them anyways. Most of his day was full of protecting people, he only has a few hours or less to himself. It could be stressful.
(I read online that paladins could love or have children, but this is just what I think Casavir would feel. I might make a Casavir x reader where he does have a child if anyone wants me to)

Y/N finished her bread and got up from her seat, making Casavir move his attention to her than on the toy. "I'm thinking of leaving, I'll see you at the dance."
She then walked out and Casavir grabbed a red flower that was single flower left in the bowl on the dresser. Wrapping it in paper with the note he wrote days before, he put it above the fireplace (on the shelf) to remind himself to give it to her. What she didn't know was that Casavir wouldn't be watching over the people, warning anyone who got too close or physical. He was going to dance, and he knew that he would regret it...

I was thinking of maybe making a second part to this, since of the whole dance thing. This one was actually pretty long, sorry about that. I got maybe..too into this. I really enjoyed writing this. But the Farkas x reader of his part in the lastest boyfriend scenario will come soon <3

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