What did you expect? (2/2) ~Vex x reader x Bishop~

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Brynjolf caught on to Vex's attraction to the now new member of the guild. Y/N. She forgave her easily than holding her grudge to the grave. When Y/N was rising through the ranks, the two seemed to grow very close. When she came home from the jobs given to her, that night they would stay up late and drink mead the bartender down here would give them while laughing. Vex never seemed that way with anyone else. But how she looked at Bishop, her crush's companion, was worse than how she looked at Sapphire. The look in her eye spoke it all, she was jealous of how Bishop acted around her and she didn't want him getting even closer with her. She would do anything to make not a feet near her, she wouldn't hesitate to even kill him..

Brynjolf walked up to the blond haired Imperial, "catching feelings Lass?' Vex turned and held the common glare, "pfft no! Are you out of your mind!?" She wasn't a good liar. She looked around to see no one was looking, she grabbed the top of his black leather armour. "Listen here, Brynjolf, I may like her, but you're not stealing her away from me. Got it?" She harshly whispered at him. Her grip lessened as he backed away, hands up. "Whoa, whoa, steady lass. I'm not catching the feels for her, just wondering if you'd like her." Vex went back to leaning against the boxes, "I do. Now fuck off then."

While Brynjolf walked off, Dirge was laughing from across the room. Vex glared at him and walked over, getting a few gold coins from her pocket. "Keep quiet about this whole thing alright?" Dirge quickly nodded and grabbed the coins quickly from her as Vex smirked.

Y/N was out on her jobs again, walking out of the guild's hideout. When she was walking up the stairs while the door above her opened, a familiar hard female voice spoke behind her unsuspected.
"Y/N!" The (r/o/c) turned around, quick on her heels, she saw the voice was Vex.

"Vex? Why are you out here? Aren't you supposed to be in-" Vex threw an arm around the (r/o/c), "no worries! Really, Mercer wanted me to help you on this job." Vex lied, she couldn't stand another minute to be in the stinky place and to deal with everyone annoying her. Vex, on purpose, pulled her so close that they were inches away to rubbing cheeks until he ruined it.

"Ladyship! Ladyship!" It was the annoying Bishop. Y/N quickly broke away and ran up to Bishop, who was covered head to toe in arrows. "Bishop what happened this time?" /n asked worried, looking around at his arrow pierced body. Bishop grinned at Vex, Vex growled back at him. Vex knew what he was doing, he was trying to drive her away to have alone time with her. His stare at her crush spoke volumes & a thousand words, three of them being: lust, passion, and love.

He may of made someone put those arrows in himself, shameful. Vex thought, I can get her attention easily than hurting myself or doing the extreme. Jealous, maybe? Hearing a groan of pain shook her out of her thoughts, she looked ahead to see a priest of arkay and Y/N pulling arrows out of him. The priest frantically using the healing magic to make the pain ease than it really is.

After the screamings in pain, the arrows coming out of his skin, and the magic healing spell, Vex was hoping to get privacy with her. But that didn't happen, from Y/N wanting Bishop to come with she had no other choice to agree if Y/N was going to be hers.

As they walked the Riften holds' roads, closer to where they were going to go, Y/N leading the two. They indulged into conversation.

"I thought you were a ranger not a thief, Bishop." Vex walked besides him, Y/N hearing it from in front of them. "I am a ranger, but I wouldn't just leave her alone. She could die without my watch." i growled again and screamed out in anger, "so you're saying that she wouldn't be safe with me!" I exclaimed.

Bishop looked at me smirking at how he hit my reaching point, the pot's warm and steamy water spilling over inside me. "Maybe so, you seem the betraying type." He looked down and up my thief armour. I pulled out my dwemer dagger, "you want to tango ranger, because I can fucking tango!" We all stopped in our tracks as Y/N tried to stop the attack I would've made on him. Bishop's smirk grew wider as his orange eyes lit up when the sun gazed upon it.

The sky grew dark and we found an abandoned camping spot. Bishop cracked open a bottle of mead and washed it done like it was nothing. Feeling intimidated and by my repetitive nature, I grabbed a bottle of mead from the bag and tried to drink it down faster than him. It was a stupid idea I made because the mead was coming down the sides of the mouth as I tried to shove the liquor down my throat. The problem got worse, I threw it besides me as I felt the horrible tasting liquid come up my throat. I threw up in the grass besides one of the tents.

Y/N grew frustrated by the two, the two were trouble of their repetitive personality trait they shared, the only thing they had alike. Other than that, they were the sun and the moon, the night and the sunlight. But both of them didn't know was that they had a more even secret likeness between the two. Most of it was how they think and their actions, and both of them didn't like people and society that much either. The other one was their upholy love for the girl they're both fighting for. Could the two repetitive ones get along?

I can easily make this into a whole out book, do you guys want that? Would you read it?

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