Making sweetrolls with him ~Skyrim Boyfriend Scenario~

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I was going to do brownies..but then I don't think brownies would be in the game, so why not  sweetrolls?
<I'm still in the making of the Bishop lemon & Cael x reader, I have other things I am writing and I've been wanting to write this for a while now. Also it's short and I don't need to plan it out that far as I would for a x reader.>

Ria's mother is a baker and she made Ria cook a lot as a child. Vilkas & you had no idea how to make sweetrolls. Vilkas knew a little more than you, but he didn't know the whole process.
"Okay, third you bake the bread and then put the cream." Ria spoke like it was nothing. She memorized the whole letter on how to make these treats.
"That easy, hm." Vilkas started working. Ria smiled, glad Vilkas was getting into cooking. "I'll check in after a little bit." After that, she left to go outside to the back porch.

While the small treats were baking, Vilkas decided to train you to waste the time that you would have to wait for. Here comes along a drunk Torvor, a mead in his hand. He stopped and looked at the process of the sweetrolls being made.
"Aw sweet! Sweetrolls!" He poured some mead onto the sweetrolls, making the sweetrolls coated in the ale Torvor had.

Later on, you & Vilkas tasted the sweetrolls that had a bitter taste. So Ria, who would pass out from drinking just a sip of mead, decided to eat it. She didn't believe it tastes bitter, that her mom wouldn't give her the wrong instructions. Ria passed out after eating one, so Vilkas just gave the rest to Torvor to eat.
(Sorry, this was really random)

"Did someone steal your sweetroll?" Bishop mocked, as many guards who the dragonborn passed by spoke that phrase. He shook his head, "stupid idiots. If the people who lived in the hold would know how to fight. Then there wouldn't be any need to have those so called 'guards' walking around. Thinking they can push anyone around, even the dragonborn."
You were stirring the batter in the small bowl, starting to make the sweetrolls. Bishop was supposed to be your helper, but really he just watched. Licking his lips at how the sweetrolls looked, or something..entirely..different, you couldn't tell.

"I'm guessing you want to lick the spoon?" You teased as he bit his lip. "Very far from it ladyship." He cooed, nuzzling your neck, his breath tickling your skin. "Far from it." He repeated, pulling you close to him.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Cael's eyes looked down at the baking process, sitting in front of the stove. The fire under the tray with the sweetrolls making Cael's face look a tint of orange.

Y/N walked over, a fur blanket over her shoulders.
"Sure is cold in here." She commented in a motherly tone, sitting down next to Cael.
"I am so used to Markarth being warm, sometimes breezy, but I never saw a stove cook stuff. It..just amazes me. The heat it lays off on my skin in this cold stone house." You took off the blanket that was wrapped around your body, now wrapped around Cael's as well.

"They look so good, I can see the bread turn a crispy brown from the heat. It seems almost finished." You smiled at how he put detail into things, you admired how he looked at life and simple things in Skyrim. "You should write a book, maybe get some money becoming an author."

Cael turned, he looked at you. "Y-You think a forsworn would be able to write a story? I wouldn't have any idea on what to write, I already get bashed for being what I am already."

Rubbing his shoulder, you apologized.

(Yep, kinda suckish. Sorry for my butchering Cael's personality right there. Some days I am better at him, then not).

Farkas licked his lips at the sight and smell of the sweetrolls being finished, his werewolf senses made him crave for that treat that was being covered in that creamy frosting.

He pulled up a stool and watched, if he had a tail, it would be wagging like a dog.
He nodded at your question, seeing the last sweetroll in the batch being covered in the frosting.

At nightfall, when the dragonborn was asleep, Farkas sneaked out of bed. He sneaked to the kitchen, fighting the urge to run. But it would blow his cover.
He opened the cabinet, the brown breading covered in the frosting greeted him. 3 left.

He wolfed the last three sweetrolls down, not spending down to savor each bite he took out of his favorite snack.
"Farkas?" A (r/o/c) called, the voice close to the kitchen.

Being the gentlemen and he had a small love for baking. While you were out adventuring with his enemy, Bishop, he cooked up some sweetrolls.

The door slammed open and Casavir quickly got up from his chair, when he was waiting for the sweetrolls in the stove. He didn't want to make them overcooked, he wanted them perfect.
He quickly went to the door, first he saw the beautiful Y/N, but then..he saw him. Bishop growled when he saw the black haired Paladin. But, the smell of the sweetrolls got the ranger's attention to the kitchen. Forgetting all about Casavir.

"You got my letter, right?" Casavir asked Y/N, not wanting to think of Bishop. He didn't want to get mad and make Y/N upset when she first came home in weeks.
Y/N smiled, she took off her large fur coat and laid it on top of a chest that was next to the door. "Yes I did, I didn't have time to respond..or any paper or writing tool. Sorry if I worried you, Casavir."
"All I care about is that you came home." He smiled, but the smile soon faded when he heard the stove door creaking open.

He turned and rushed to the kitchen, seeing Bishop holding the tray of sweetrolls in his hands.
"Bishop, they weren't-" it was too late, they were undercooked because of the ranger that Y/N has along her on her travels! "Finished yet.."
"They looked finish." Bishop commented, smirking. He took a loud smell of the sweetrolls. Casavir ran a hand down his face in frustration, today will be a long day.

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