When you/him are sick (Cael, Casavir, and Farkas editon!)

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Soooo I uh got a haircut, you can see how long my hair was in the video of me I posted and the two selfies I put up. My hair was to the middle of my back. Now it's super short.

The girl on the left, holding the camera.

He's sick
When Farkas is sick, he stays in bed all day and groan once in a while. He hates how it feels when he's sick and being stuck in bed. When you come into the room he's like,
You're sick
He pampers the shit outta you, just going to say.

He's sick
Casavir works his way through it, but if it gets bad, he just stays in bed and usually reads a lot. He worrys that some dark brotherhood member killed an innocent person in the city. He usually is wrapped in a blanket in front of the fire in his room in the guards quarters (I have a headcanon that he is at a high statis of being a guard). Drinking some coffee that existed in Skyrim now, yep.
A mage stumbled into a falmer ruin and found notes in the language of them, and somehow translate it, and found out it was a way to make coffee. So that mage quit his adventure right there and started his own small shop, like an inn but more of a cafe, in one of the holds. The shop/cafe/inn was a place where he makes coffee for the people in Skyrim.
There's a small made up backstory for ya'!
You're sick
When you're sick, you usually have to deal with it in the day time on your own. Until late at night, Casavir comes home (or wherever you live) and he does everything for you. He makes this whole big soup his mother made for him when he was a boy. He gives you sweetrolls and anything else you want, and then he cuddles with you the rest of the night.

He's sick
Cael while sick, you don't really notice when he is. It either cures quickly or he hides it extremely well. He just learned to deal with it, because as leader he always has to keep his eye on everything. But when you find out he is sick by that small little sniffle, you have to drag him into bed and you take leadership for that day.
You're sick
When you're sick, Cael finds this potion or herb and tries to cure it. He tries to do whatever to cure it and he lets you rest for the day, not caring if you protested against him about it. Even with linen made sheets and tablets, or paper, to write on and somehow stick it to a branch. Then marched around with it around his village, protesting you can be a leader.
"My sparrow, today you should be in bed. You're sick, I'll find some potion to cure it. Just relax and let me do all the work, my sparrow."

Ehh, sorry if I get some of the personalities wrong. What character do you want me to write a ball dance with? Other than Cicero, because I already wrote his.

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