A/N: Hey! + Rp and Creepypasta story

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Hey! The author of this story here, sorry for being so inactive. School has made me really busy lately and I have finals for math this week, BUT I made a creepypasta story. It's technically a fanfiction, but it's more realistic and doesn't have any ocs or no relationships (maybe) in it. I might post it if you guys are interested? I'll post the first part I have for the story after this whole message. But I am looking for someone to rp with? Not like a cheesy roleplay, like a more realistic or story written roleplay not like *dies* type of rp. Relationships is fine I don't really care, but I am looking for someone to rp Creepypasta and/or slenderverse with me! (It can be a crossover of the two if you want). It can be more than one sentence if you'd like, but I really don't like rps that more joke type ones or that are really cheesy, I like more serious and story driven & written ones. So yeah! Just pm me or comment if you want to rp with me! I MIGHT do a rp book for creepypasta, just I know it'll get really really packed with people.

Here's the story:
With the feeling in a long while, maybe years even, Eyeless Jack felt like the world was at his feet. It obviously was, but it felt like he could overcome anything. Birds were singing, the wind was at a steady breeze for a stroll through the woods that he couldn’t see, but only sense. Today felt the most marvelous day in a while. No screaming or yelling from downstairs, no useless gossip, thankfully no stabbings or harm done to others. Eyeless felt at peace in the early morning light.

Soon that came crashing down.

It wasn’t a wake out of his peaceful and relaxed, positive state of what he wished he didn’t have to deal with, like drama or any mishappenings, but a more larger problem that would burn away what he was use to. His only home and comfort at times.

Without a sigh like usual, EJ got out of bed and headed downstairs for breakfast that he could smell being made. Barely anyone was down there and only a few were up at this time, usually Slender, sometimes Jeff if he felt like it, and Toby. The only thing about Toby is that he would wake up and not leave his room until everyone else was done eating. It happened during dinner too, he never liked to eat when the others were and no one knew why.

“Another one is teaming with Zalgo.”

“Who is it this time?”

“The clown fuck, Laughing Jack.”

EJ could recognize the voices in the dining room, Jeff and Ben, surprisingly Ben was up already.

The floor creaked as Jack entered the room, the black liquid from his eye sockets dripping onto the floor in tiny drops.

“Hey Jack.”

“You seem better than usual.”

Eyeless sat down without a word or a reply back, his stomach growling and begged for food.

“Laughing Jack joined Zalgo, hasn’t he?” Eyeless wasn’t surprised, Laughing Jack was becoming distant from them. He never trusted that clown anyways, even before he joined he was known for his sneaky ways and his high persuasion that got others killed. He wasn’t something to be reckoned with.

“Yeah, Jeff and I were just talking about that. We don’t care much for the guy anyways.” Ben scratched the top of his head, moving his hat a bit and then moving it back in its place.

“None of us did. Rule of thumb, never trust clowns and definitely that that has the word laughing in their name,” Jeff said through his teeth. He was always a type of person to never trust anyone, he likely doesn’t even trust Ben. He judged others too harshly to begin with. The only person Jeff trusts is Smiley, his dog.

“The only person I saw to make Toby laugh was him or Clockwork, then that fell through.”
“Clockwork? Didn’t she leave him for some petty reason?” Ben questioned, looking at Jack for an answer.
“Maybe so, but I don’t think that’s what truly happened. I don’t think she joined Zalgo with her own free will.”
Jeff turned and looked to his side at Jack, “Why do you always act like there’s more to something? You probably think there’s more to an apple than the seeds in the middle. You might think there’s aliens in the ocean or some shit.” Jeff would’ve kept going and to go onto what he thought about Clockwork but Slender standing in the doorway to the kitchen stopped him. He then sighed and went to the kitchen, to get his own breakfast to eat.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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