Part 2 of the school AU (Modern) of the Skyrim romance mod

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So um I forgot Cael. Yep, this will be kind of short. Sorry for forgetting Cael.
Edit: wattpad is being buggy and not changing edits I made, so I had to unpublish it for the edits to go through.

Cael looked upon the house he was moving in, something about this neighbourhood of Nords didn’t feel right. Was it their glares? His forsworn family and 8 siblings (yep) Cael being the oldest?

That was a year ago, he was now elected class president, he wanted to fix how there was fights everyday in the school, Nords against Elves, and the forsworn looked down upon. The school started to have more forsworn coming in ever since Cael became the president of their grade (I am not 100% sure how they do this, I’ll just say grade), not being that scared of being judged as before. Still insults were yelled at them, but they were way better than they would be before.

Cael watched Y/N from a few rows back, it was his crush. He heard rumors of 4 other boys trying to win her too, Y/N knew this. Cael just more watched, waiting for his time. He didn’t want to scare her and act like the other 4 boys were like.

Nobody in school really liked him, they all thought he was weird. They never said this to his face, no, they gave him respect. It sickened him when his close knit of forsworn friends told him this, how they acted completely different since he was the grade’s president. Bishop obviously wasn’t like them, he would say it to his face, he didn’t care if he was in a higher level than they were in school. Cael wasn’t scared of him though, but he grew a friendship with Casavir in the group of guys wanting her. He didn’t mind Darren, but he didn’t like Raven or Bishop that much.

From Raven’s act around her, always teasing her and saying she’ll kiss him if he does this stupid thing he’ll always get. Like hit a teacher with a ball of paper, she always denies it, like she should. She doesn’t need him, she needs a respectful man. Only him & Casavir would be the only options, he didn’t mind this either, Cael secretly likes competitions (usually among his siblings).

“Come on Y/N! Kiss me for once!” Raven was leaning over her desk at her, Bishop turned his head and slammed his head hard onto the desk.
“Get away from my ladyship!”

Then the room was full of silence, Cael grinned as Bishop still looked mad when he looked at all the students staring at him.
Then Darren spoke up, getting out of his desk at the very back. “Don’t hurt another person or you’ll regret it!”
Bishop quickly glared at him, then he grinned. Confidence shown in his eye. “You want to try that little mage? Remember last time?” Darren quickly sat back down, to act like he did nothing.

Raven raised up from seeming like he passed out for a short while, his voice shaky from being dizzy. “C-Can I get that kiss now? Heh..heh..I’m going to go to the nurse now.” He got up and walked out, Bishop looked down at the scared Y/N. His voice softened, “are you alright miss?” She nodded shyly, trying to think what just happened.

Sounds of boots could be heard coming into the room…

It was 11 pm at night, Cael woke up in his shared room with his siblings. They all slept in fur sleeping bags, to make space and to stay to the forsworn way of using the forest for resources. Cael was wide awake, his senses hearing a loud whisper outside his window. He crawled over to his window, opening the curtain, shining light in the room. He saw a familiar face next to his Elk pet. One with brown hair and something black on. Bishop!

“C’mon boy, follow the handsome man in front of you.” He was trying to steal my Elk! Cael quickly opened the window and climbed down the tree as quietly as he could. Dropping down on the grass, making noise to let Bishop know he found out.

“Shit!” Bishop swore, standing still as Cael walked over to him. “What is this man ran by jealousy doing in my yard? With my pet?”
Bishop still stood still, his plan failed, he tried to show he wasn’t scared. “Why do you care?”
“Because, jealous one, this is my pet. No need for anyone’s hands than me or my family.”
Bishop growled, fear taking over him, he slashed his dagger on the Elk’s thigh. He ran away into the woods.
“Bishop!” Cael started to run after him, his siblings awoke and watched their older brother chasing a man into the woods.

“Y/N doesn’t want you anyways! She thinks you're creepy with watching her all the time!” Bishop yelled at him while running, Cael not that far behind.
“Being a complete jerk to her isn’t helping her to like you either! She likes kind men like Casavir and I!”

Bishop snorted, jumping over a log and across a small pond to the other side, he replied back to Cael. “You’re siding with that rich boy? The one who ran against you in the useless presidency! You two will have to go against each other, if I don’t get her first. Which is very unlikely to happen!”

“Bishop! Cael!” A deep voice yelled, sounding like butter to everyone’s ears. The two stopped in their tracks, not that far from each other. The two could hear two footsteps running up to them.

There came up in the darkness was Y/N & Casavir, Bishop glared at Casavir at Y/N’s teared (formal outfit).
“Why is Y/N with you?” Bishop yelled at Casavir, not letting Casavir say a word first. “She is with me because I invited her to my parent's formal dinners we have once in awhile. They said I needed a guest to invite with me, so why not Ms. Y/N?”
“She’s not suppose to be with you, rich boy! She’s suppose to be-”
Coming up from a hill behind the two, a fallen tree was under the pile of dirt (making it higher than normal ground).
“You’re right Bishop, for once, she’s suppose to be with me.” Darren spoke confidently.

A cracked twig could be heard besides them, everyone turning to face the unknown noise. A person walked up in a cowl, the dark of the night making it hard to see their face until they took the cowl off. The person being Raven, “you’re all wrong, like always. I am the one who truly suppose to be with her.”

“This makes no sense! I am the one who invited her with me, so she belongs with me!”

As everyone fought, a squealing sound the elk at Cael’s house was loud enough for Y/N to hear during the loud yelling of everyone trying to make their point.
(Lowkey I want to make a story about this for some reason, it’s just so fun and cool to write)

Y/N ran away towards the noise, unnoticed until Bishop spoke up about her missing. They all followed her when they saw her inches away from the entrance of the woods to Cael’s house.

The siblings of Cael were staring down at the elk, tears in their eyes, the deer was laid down on it’s side.

“..My elk..” (I forgot the elk’s name, if it had one). Cael spoke so softly, as the remaining came up behind him.
“Pfft! It’s just an elk! You can easily find one!”
“Bishop!” Cael & Casavir yelled back to Bishop for his insult and coldness.
“You don’t know how hard it is to tame one of these and I grew a very big bond with my elk! You and your wolf friendship is no different than how I was to my elk!”
“Befriending a wolf is very different, forsworn.”
“Stop it!” Y/N screamed and everyone looked at her almost immediately. She took a deep breath and looked at the teary eyed siblings. “Is the elk dead?”
“Likely so, we don’t know how to fix the cut. It’s pretty deep.” One sibling answered, she guessed it was one of the oldest.

She looked at the five boys, all with different expressions from one another. Different personalities and opinions. One more anger than the other, one more jealous, one with more skill than another. Different from another.
But, who would she choose?

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