Asking charactersss

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Rip everyone, I am posting a lot.
So I'm getting questions online
And asking dem characters
Letta go
I swear I'll write more x readers if this stuff is annoying to you guys tomorrow whenever this is posted. (If it's posted tomorrow, March 16th, then it means that day I'll post x readers and stuff).

Luigi: papiwaluigi- WAHHH!
Waluigi; *comes out of hole*
Luigi; gone
Waluigi; gone
(Old tumblr meme, yeah)

Me: Bishop?
Bishop sighs, "Yes?"
Me: How do you like your women? *gets out notepad*
Bishop runs a hand in his hair as he looks up at the cieling. "A bloody, strong, opiniated, hot women wouldn't be too annoying for my tastes."
Me: You're an asshole, you know that right?
Bishop winks at what looks like a camera, "100% of the time, princess."
Me: Ancano dance teacher au is better than you.
Bishop rolls his eyes, "Sureee~ The tall, boney, white haired, snotty, high elf is better than me. I heard he thrown a girl, named Susan, into the ocean."
Ancano looks at Bishop from the corner, "wE DON'T TALK ABOUT SUSAN IN THIS HOUSE!"

Me: Aela, is it true you love the Harbinger?
Aela sighs as she picks at the grass, crossing her legs. "To be honest, I do. I just don't know if she feels the same way as I do."
Me: Ishipit.
Aela looks up, confused. "What do you mean you ship it? Is that a term for you owning a ship? Shipping items?"
Me: No, no, no. Aela, listen *explains what shipping is*
Aela thinks, "I-I guess it makes sense. T-Thanks?" She blushes.

Me: Cael~
Cael looks over, "Yes, small one?"
Me: Is it true Bishop sang?
Cael nods, laughing a little. "I never thought the dark one could actually sing that well, to be honest with you."

I'll be back to writing x readersss, sorry I just wanted to do other things. You can ask stuff if you want. I might move this random stuff to another book though.

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