Short little rant: names for Skyrim ocs

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Honestly, you can name your ocs whatever you want, I'm not god and I can't be like:
"Oh your ocs name is Farkas&BishoparemydaddyXDXDXD! You can't name your oc that because I said so!"
But, it's when an oc (either in stories, on videos, or fanart of their ocs, etc) doesn't really have a lore-friendly name, or a name that fits Skyrim. I don't think a Nord who's Dragonborn would be named Sarah among all the other Nords that are named Toggier The Drinker or something like that. For my Skyrim ocs I try to make ther name fit the game. Some of my oc's names are: Fairen, Carissa, Frealyn, and I Han (it's a random name but the name came to me in a dream so I decided to make her my Skyrim character oc). I have some other ocs, but those are my main ones.

I think a name like Sarah, Jennifer, or really modern names wouldn't fit Skyrim. Maybe Sofia might fit Skyrim, but I think an oc would be looked at weird if it was a more modern name.

This is just something I wanted to rant about, sorry for this. I might delete this because it's sorta useless and I just wanted to rant at the moment.

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