Grief ~Aela x reader~

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“Did you hear it? Last night?”
“Hear what? The howling?”
“Yeah, that, the howling. Do you know who it was?”
The most recent companion that joined kept an ear to the wooden door, trying to hear the voices behind it and figure out what was being said.
Curiosity, it was a cursed trait of hers. Ever since she was a young girl, she was curious about almost anything. What her parents were saying downstairs, what the neighbours were fighting about, what a little boy was looking for as he walked the streets daily.

The first voice was a deeper tone than the other, so that voice had to be Farkas’s, whom talked first.
Then his twin, Vilkas, had to be the one replying.
“It could’ve been anyone here, but Aela has been missing all day.” Farkas explained more about the howling last night.
“Aela’s been known to go out and be alone all day, Farkas, we all are like that sometimes.”
“But with how she’s acting with Skjor’s death, I think we should be worried.”
Vilkas sighed, “Fine. I’ll tell Kodiak around supper time if she’s not back yet.”
The two twins went their separate ways and did their own thing to pass the time. Aela has been missing since last night?
Y/N stood up and looked around the room, as if she was searching for something to answer her worried mind.

She grabbed her bow and steel arrows, bringing a dagger as well, on her journey to find Aela.
Nobody noticed her leave, not even Tilma, who stops her sometimes when she sees Y/N has a mission in mind to take care of.
That did bother her though, she grew a close bond with her and helped her if she had nothing to do.

She was far away from Whiterun, delving into the woods for a start to find the fiery companion. Though the smell of trees, smoke, and grass, her strong sense of smell got ahold of a different and more powerful smell. It wasn’t just any animal or bandit, the smell was stronger and she knew it was a werewolf she was getting the smell of.
Her feet started to run on their own before her mind could get a sense of what was happening.
In a matter of minutes, her smell was right, right below her on a path through the woods a werewolf stood. As she watched, the werewolf checked it’s surroundings and let out a loud howl before transforming back into a human.

The human had dark red hair that reached her shoulders, green slashes across her face called warpaint, and she was only in her undergarments. Her regular clothes were right beside her. She waited until she was dressed in her normal clothes before approaching.

When she was dressed, Y/N stepped down carefully and started to walk over.
“Y/N? Is that you?”
Y/N nodded as she looked over Aela, seeing if she had any cuts or bruises on her.
She picked her up, knowing how it was like after she was out of her werewolf form. You would feel dizzy, confused, and having no memory of what happened when you were in that beast-like form.
Y/N looked down at her, “Are you okay? Do you need anything?”
“ did you know? And, why?” Aela’s mind still felt dizzy and confused, as if she was experiencing a brain fog.
“Well I overheard Farkas and Vilkas talking about you missing. Why wouldn’t I try to bring, uh- shield sibling?” Y/N swallowed a lump in her throat, hiding her true feelings towards the Nord woman.

The Nord woman she held her feelings for still had that same guilt inside her, it was obvious, because of Skjor’s death. She had no clue if they had some sort of relationship, or they were just hunting buddies when she overheard them talking because of her curious mind and ears. Aela looked to the side, over at some of Skyrim’s fresh grasses in the forest area.
Her eyes still spoke her true feelings and even a milk drinker that was as dumb as a horker could sense it and know what it was about.

Aela got out of her grip, and only stood a few feet away from her.
“Aela, look.” Aela looked up and stared at her eyes only for a moment, before darting away like a bunny rabbit. The new blood took a deep breath and explained further, “I know how you’re feeling. Everyone in Jorrvaskr is in mourning, you’re not alone. Just..know that you’re not so different from the rest of us, even if you do handle your emotions in a spitfire way. Just..ponder that for a while, please?”

Aela only nodded, her bottom lip quivering and on the verge to cry and let it all out.
With a shaky breath, she replied, “Alright, your right.”

They both went back to Whiterun, out of the hold’s forests surrounding it. Y/N knew this would ease some of the companion’s many worries for Aela to be back.
With the loud noise of Jorrvaskr’s doors opening and closing, the remaining companions on the upper floor of Jorrvaskr turned and looked. Seeing that Aela and the new blood were back.
Nobody moved, they just stood there as if they were mannequins.
“I don’t want to talk to anyone right now.” Aela mumbled and lowered her head, acting differently than she usually did.
Y/N and Aela still could sense their eyes were closely watching them as they walked down the steps to the main quarters.

Y/N acted like her mother tucking her child to sleep, only Aela wasn’t her child or a child at all, only a very closely hidden crush, tucking Aela into her bed.
When she was leaving, Aela spoke up.
“Y/N, please, don’t leave.”
She turned around, answering her wants, “What do you need?”
“This is..foolish to say, but can you sleep in my bed tonight? Just with everything happening, I don’t know how I’m going to be alone with my own thoughts.”

Her cheeks blushed and went to a lighter color, she wasn’t expecting this either. With Aela being her crush, is this a realistic and vivid daydream? Or reality?
“Please?” Aela’s voice got softer from what it already sounded as she almost begged for Y/N to do this last task for her.
“A-Alright then.” Y/N and Aela cuddled all night until the early morning, Y/N holding Aela tightly against her and wished to the divines this wasn’t a dream.
It couldn’t of been, or this is one long dream that keeps on having more pros instead of cons in it. But, this was almost like those romance books that she found so little of in Skyrim, pros kept coming and coming. In the morning, when the two were fully awake and ready to start the day, Aela didn’t know if this was because of her guilt and remorse, but she seemed to get feelings for her. So, when they woke up, she asked her that very question that was on her mind lately - that if she could date her.

Sorry the ending was a bit rushed! I hoped you enjoyed it! I'm not sure how my writing turned out on this one, I got more detailed at the bottom when I got back to it (you maybe can tell). Anyway, I hope it's enjoyable.
Requested by PadawanEli

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