Useless ~Bishop x reader~

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In that letter/diary type writting form ladsssss

What's the use? What's the use to us fighting and you too stubborn to say sorry to me! I know what you'd say ranger.
"I'm not stubborn! You are! You are about as stubborn as I am, princess. You didn't apologize to me either, so you expect me to apologize for the fight you caused? Stupid."
Or something among that, I don't know! I'm not in your sex, lust, and opinionated driven mind! You may be able to persuade me with your words that drip like honey and make me weak to my knees, and your looks as well. But this whole agruement where I have to write this letter to you, because you won't confront me about, is just stupid in itself! You may have the looks, the words, the talents, and what makes me lust you, but now..I won't listen. No matter whatever you do to avoid saying sorry, I won't listen. You are going to say sorry now, and yes I am being hot headed--which you make fun of me for. Just..this is useless, hopeless, and pointless. I hate this and I know you do too, I can see it in your eyes and how much I know you. I can see you now, petting your wolf while trying to ignore my angery writing with charcole. You just looked up and glanced over at me, thinking I didn't notice your golden eyes that single moment, are you scared? Scared to admit you want to say sorry, but your stubborn mind won't let you? Your thoughts telling you to not to come forth, give your sympathy for me and how angry I seem now.
Fuck, you were right that I would run back to you if I got another man. Just..something about you makes my heart pump for you, that make me run over to you and squeeze and kiss you while smiling. I shouldn't of fallen in love with you the time I laid my eyes on you in Riverwood at the tavern.
Can you just please come forth and tell me your feelings? I can't deal with this silence treatment between us in this wooden cabin with the fire crackling. Please, I am too angry and too stubborn to tell you this or show you this.
Maybe, when I go to bed after writing this, and you see this when coming into bed later, tell me in the morning after today about your thoughts. I don't care if you're cold, romantic, angry, or anything in between. Just please end this useless fight between us?

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