Busy ~Casavir x reader~

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The thief sneaked into the guard's quarters, knowing most guards were asleep in the late hour. Creeping inside, she smiled when she heard snoring from down the stairs. Going down the stairs, she sneaked quietly down to the last step. Her breath quicken as she heard a guard toss and turn in bed, and then calmed down when the guard found a comfortable spot.
Coming out from under the small opening, she saw across from her were a lot of beds for guards. And then in the room next to it, and a door at the end of the small hallway next to it. There was a bronze door with slim rods, like in a jail cell, but more fancy and formal. That room seems to be rich, from the door snd some of the stuff inside.

Going into the room she saw that there a fireplace lit. A small table that was in front of the table, with a tankard and a dark blue bowl on it. A single chair next to it. Across from behind the table was a brown wooden dresser with a bowl of flowers in it. There was a standing up dresser in the corner that was closest to the door with a desk right next to it. Above the desk was a shelf with books that was leaning to the side. Next to the table and fireplace was a bed with hay and animal fur over the hay. And a thin and skinny pillow on top of the fur and hay. Ready to move around and get the items she was going to steal, he had to have some sort of valuable stuff in here. It's solitude after all! Something stopped her.
"What are you doing?!" A male voice yelled and drew his sword out from hid back. Turning around and backing away, the thief paniced.
"I-I'm sorry, I must've been in the wrong room! I-"
(First person)
He sighed and looked down at the light armour I wore, it was the armour thieves in The Thieves Guild wore. Crap. "From your clothes, it explains it all I'm afraid." Is this really my last moments to life? In fear, I quickly got out my dagger and cut into his cheek, making him stumble back into the dresser.
I ran as fast as I could out of there. I never knew I would see him again, or my feelings towards him.

Making my way back to Solitude for some thieving job Devon gave me, I entered the gates, now in normal armour with a cotton hood.
Passing by people, I fought my urge to pick pocket to mug them on the streets just then. I needed to look normal. I looked over at the Winking Skeever, I saw the same man from that night over there. Dark hair that was swooped over to the other side of his head. Blue preicing eyes that made you feel protected, almost. Steel armour that made him seem hard to fight, I doubt my dagger would do anything to him. Look at the size of the sword on his back!

I smirked and walked close to him on purpose, the guys that were around him made some comments on how beautiful I was. That they should have in bed, like I care.
"Now, now, that's not how you talk to a woman like her." He stated, and I looked back. His honey voice to my ears made my stomach drop. Imagine if he whispered in my ear with that voice..
"Then how do you talk to her? Show me, Mr. Gentlemen!" He huffed and crossed his arms at the man's remark, "fine." He looked over at me and walked over to me.

When he got close to me, he smiled as he looked down at me. He took my hand in his and laid a kiss upon it. I didn't dare pull my hand away like I would to others.
"M'lady, do you mind coming with me to the Crystal Ball tonight? I don't want to force you, that would be rude of me." I nodded, why wouldn't I agree to this? But if he finds out I was the girl who snuck into his room, I'll be dead. Like Roggvir when he was being excuted here.
"Of course!" I exclaimed and I entwined my fingers with his, making me blush a little. He then went on to explain how he would pay for the dress and how the dance would be. And I enjoyed that night with him, dancing with him made him quite flustered and he kept blushing as well. He didn't know until months later he fell in love with a thief.

"Are you telling me that you lied and kept a secret from me for three months, Y/n!" He yelled in his room, making the guards around him worried. Casavir as calm when we would fight, but if he got really angry, he would yell. Then forgive what he said during the fight.
"Yes! Yes! I lied! There, I said it! I was the girl who snuck in your room and was planning to steal things from your room! The one who cut your cheek!" I paused, and took a deep breath to calm down, "I'm sorry. I was scared you would kill me if I told you eariler." I picked up the towel that I was using to clean the small round table in his room, to ease stress and anger.
Casavir rubbed his cheek where the scar of the cut stayed, I cut him hard, huh. He turned and looked into the flames that were burning in his firepit.
"You know I would never kill you, I loved you too much to do that. Even when I saw you in that thief outfit and with your face halfly covered, I never-.."
He went on, "I kept thinking about you, it never seemed to stop no matter how much I tried to push the feelings by. Telling myself you were a criminal, a thief, and you almost stole something from my room." He chuckled, "I should've made you steal something in here, not like anything in here is valueable enough." He walked over to the fireplace, and grabbed a note from the top of it. Then throwing it into the flames, watching the letter crumble and burn into ashes.

"I think back to that moment, I scared you so badly, and-"
"Casavir, it made us get together. Isn't that enough?"
His eyes started to tear up, shaking his head slowly. "Not for me."

Years passed and that small agruement seemed like nothing anymore, now with two children running around. Two twin girls. I sometimes wished I was back in that time, not because being a mother is hard at times. Because, Casavir is barely home anymore with the high rate in crimes in Solitude. Recently this assassin for the dark brotherhood killed Elisif's cousin who was getting married. The marriage and the killing of the wife was huge news in Solitude, and now the guards were more on watch for them.
The door opened and a tired Casvair walked in, his twin daughters running up to him and hugging his legs. He laughed and rubbed both of their heads and they let go, running off to the basement to play with their dolls.
I was cooking tomato soup for everyone, stirring the spoon in the bowl next to the fire.
"You're home, at least."
"Y/n- you know how hard it is for the guards nowadays, with the crimes happening lately. I'm sorry that I haven't spent time with you." He placed his hand over his heart and I shaked my head.
"It's not about me, it's about Inka and Anka."
"Well, like I said- I'm sorry, Y/n.."
"Tell that to the twins."

(3rd person)
Casavir looked down, his eyes tearing up as he imagined their soft little cheeks when he would rub their cheeks before they went to bed, and then kissing their foreheads. How could he just change his shedule with being a guard? He's at the highest rank of being a guard and he can't imagine what theif or assassin would get away with their crime without him stopping them. He shook his head and rubbed his forehead, he didn't have the urge to change her mind. When the two would fight it seemed like there was no end or pause.
Leaving her to cook, he made his way downstairs. He saw the two twins playing with the two dolls while giggling and moving the dolls up and down when they talked. He cracked a smile when he watched the two girls at the bottom of the stairs. The little tiny part in his heart ached, because he didn't see his girls often and missed their birthday.

The paladin sneaked over to the chest where their dolls were in and got out a tan doll with brown hair and blue buttoned eyes. With a brown tunic sewn onto it's body.
He looked up and saw Inka's brown eyes staring at him, her eyes twinkled in curiousity at what her father was doing. This made Anka's blonde curls bounce when she turned to see what her twin was putting attention towards. Anka smiled when she saw the toy in her father's hand, while Inka was still curious at what he was doing. Their father smiled a little and closed the chest slowly and walked over, sitting down on his knees he moved the doll in his hands. Swaying it back and forth in his hands as he spoke in a girlish tone, "may I play with you guys?"
Inka laughed at her father's impression and and nodded, making her toy talk back.
"Of course, er-" She had no clue what the doll's name was. Anka studied the features of the doll to try to think of a name.
Casavir nodded at Anka's suggestion and the three played family for a while. The storylibe was that they had a neighbour that was an assassin and the three dolls had to save the prisnor in his basement and they lived happily ever after.

Yep, this was sort of suckish. Sorry I was super self consince of my writing the past week and I never finished this idea I thought up of. I wasn't thinking of finishing it anyways because I thought it sucked. But hope you enjoy it.
(I'll edit the spelling errors and grammar a little later)

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