921 votes???

420 14 10

Oh my god thank you so much for 921 votes! Almost to 1K! I am on the bus right now and I just noticed this!
School has got me busy and as well as something I just learned- twin flames! It's kind of hard to explain what it is. But it's like, in the beginning of time you had this one soul with this other person. Then it spilt and you two lived through lifetimes together (hence why they put the past life stuff to it all). So I found my twin flame and I have been going through a journey with him. It's really kind of intense because this love is not that easy to deal with at times. (Sorry if I sound cheesy or anything here, I am talking to another girl about this and our twin flames actually have this weird connection to the other. Both of our twin flames are in the spirit world, and she even saw my twin flame in her house for only a second!) It's just so cool. You don't have to believe in it if you don't want to. I'm an atheist, but I believe in spirits and stuff. (Weird, right?)

Sorry I can talk about that all day. But thank you so much for 921 votes! I really don't deserve them!

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