A/N: Okay, I noticed

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Sooooo you know when I made that Bishop lemon? I don't know if I'm going to finish it - just I don't feel comfortable writing that stuff. Sorry about that, but also I noticed a few have asked me to do a lemon, I'm not calling them out or putting them in a bad light, but I'm sorry I just won't write lemons. If I did know someone who was comfortable with writing Skyrim lemons, I would suggest someone, but I'm not sure if I can think of anyone who does.

So I decided to point this out for the future and basically the present now, I'm not calling out anyone or saying what they wanted was bad. I actually..uh..read a few lemons in my past heh...but I just don't feel comfortable writing them. I don't do it for my columbine imagines either (I mentioned before that I write those on Tumblr, mainly). This was just a little thing I wanted to get out there since I'm sure someone will ask me for lemons again.
I hope you all have a good day or night! My day was alright, pretty good. I got to watch a funny as hell movie and it was those cheesy 80's movies. BUT IT HAD HISTORICAL FIGURES IN IT AND ONE OF THEM I RESEARCH (true crime stuff I do in my past time) AND JOAN OF ARC IN IT WAS PRETTY HOT LOOKING- oh god I am rambling now. The movie was suppose to be like those cheesy 80's movies haha. The movie is: Bill and Ted's excellent adventure. But they legit go back in time and let all these historical figures run out and cause chaos. It was great though. Anyway, this is getting tooooooo long. I hope you all had a good day so far, or night where-ever you are.

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