At each other's throats ~Vilkas x reader~

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(Requested by Alenya_Raine_Meraas)

Whelps, or new bloods, were the lowest rank in the companions, the ones who were always made fun of and tested for their skill.
Y/N was a new blood, a whelp; in the companions. With only a few weeks of practice, she was way better than how Ria was when she first joined!

Ria walked up to Y/N whilst she was training, slashing a sword at a dummy. “Hey- uh, Y/N?”
She stopped and turned around, lowering her sword and giving her a bland stare. “Yeah?”
“You are really good at a sword! I wasn’t even that good until my fifth week of training!”
Y/N rolled her eyes and mumbled, “People here shouldn’t give so much low expectations for a whelp then.”
Ria stammered, not knowing her words would make Y/N feel this way, “I wasn’t saying that! At all!”
Y/N nodded, accepting her apology. “I just hate how Vilkas is treating me lately. I give him shit once in awhile, but he did it first.”
Ria bit her lip and looked over her shoulder, seeing Vilkas glaring at the two, like a father would if you were friends with a kid he didn’t like.
She got her attention back towards Y/N, “Don’t think too much about it. He does that to every newbie.”

She has such a positive attitude, Vilkas seems to like her, but how? Why? What did she do to make him act at least nice towards her? Y/N sighed at her thought, “I think I’m going to go back to training. I’ll see you around Ria.”
Ria said her goodbyes and went back inside Jorrvaskr to go back to whatever she was doing.

“Training hard, huh?”
Y/N jumped at hearing the deep and hard voice that could only be Farkas’s. Everyone is just popping out of nowhere to talk to me today!
“By Azura, Farkas you scared me half to death!” Y/N turned and stared him in the eye, wondering what he needed. “You want anything?”
Farkas shrugged, “No, not really. Just complimenting your training. I don’t do this to new bloods often, complimenting them in public- just a thing you don’t do. Anyway, you’re doing great.”
“Thanks. What’s the grudge the companions have against new bloods?”
“I don’t know, just a sort of tradition you do. They did it to us when we were just starting too. Try to toughen them up I guess.”
Farkas then turned and was starting to walk away until.he remember what else he wanted to tell her about.
He told her over his shoulder, “Oh yeah, speaking of training, Vilkas is going to train you today.”

Vilkas stood in the middle of the training area as expected, sword tucked away. She knew what Vilkas meant when he did this, he didn’t have to tell her, Vilkas wanted to duel with her.
With a sigh, she walked over and mumbled, “Here goes nothing.”
“Word’s gone around you’ve been getting better with fighting. I’ll be the judge of that.”
She wondered if Vilkas really was like this, or if it was an act. If this was the true Vilkas, then he was a true jackass of the year.
Vilkas got out his sword and got ready for the duel. He didn’t even noticed she knocked him to the ground before he could even blink. Just that the sun was shining in his eyes, his back hurt, and he was on the ground.
“Well you’re the judge, how good was I?”
He gritted his teeth and stood up, trying not to appear bothered with what happened. “Pretty good, I’d say. But you’re still a whelp to us, which means you still have to train.”
“Not a problem bitchtit.”

I called Vilkas a bitchtit before sooooo yeah, I decided to have Y/N call him that. Sorry if this was a sucky job, I tried my best. I hope you guys enjoy it!
(This was a pretty sucky job to be honest, but I tried my best. I haven't really wrote much in a while than like peotry).

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