Bishop imagine!!

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Lately, Bishop and Y/N have been fighting often now, but this night had to be the worst in how their arguments were this week and the other times.
After getting asked numerous times to fetch some low valued item in a cave, that's either full of draugr or bandits, Bishop felt like he couldn’t control his annoyance anymore. Even though he told her about how this bothered him, he was more angry over it now.
Somehow the argument changed to where they were talking about him as a follower.
“There’s much more better women than you out there. Are you planning to smiting with one of those dress wearers after I leave?”

By Bishop’s own opinion, this wasn’t that bad to say, but he knew deep down that she was hurt by his hatred to mages and her old mage follower that recently came back into her life.
He didn’t like him, even though they were best friends, he sensed that there were more there.

He came back to what he said before, noticing her silence and her eyes avoiding his face.
“Not like I care anyway.” His voice was softer, but he still sounded cold.
Y/N just rolled her eyes and walked off, her head down and staring at the wooden floor of her house.
Bishop turned around and saw Karnwyr laying on the floor, his tongue out and it almost looked like the wolf was smiling. A grin came across Bishop’s lips as he stared down at his loyal companion ever since he was a teenager.
“At least you’re with me.”
Karnwyr got up and started walking away, his tail wagging lazily side to side behind him. He disappeared into the room the dragonborn hid away to to keep calm.
Bishop growled under his breath and crossed his arms, “Whatever.”

The Dragonborn smiled when she saw Karnwyr walk into the room. His paws clicked against the floor's surface, giving away that he was there. The wolf appeared to be smiling again when he locked eyes with his almost second owner that he grew a close friendship with.
The wolf came up and placed his head on top of the book she was reading, wanting to get some attention. The Dragonborn smiled at him and rubbed the top of his head and then moved to give some attention to his ears.

I didn’t know how to end this and I thought it was a bit crappy. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this.
Requested by: ecilpsequeen (for some reason I couldn't tag you).
I'm not sure how they would react to me coming back honestly haha.

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