Jewelry ~Bishop x reader~ (1/2)

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"Like something you see, Ladyship?"
Y/N seemed to not hear him over how beautiful the silver and geeen emerald necklace. Bishop kept trying to push it.
"And it's not me for once."
She got out of her focus and looked up at him, "What?" Bishop chuckled at her reaction. He turned towards her.
"Look at you, like a confused rabbit that's running away from its prey,  not sure where it is and where to go."

Y/N rolled her eyes, not caring what he's saying, she dished in her pocket. Pulling out a few septims, only have a few septims less than the price for the necklace. She frowned as she looked back and forth between the two objects.
Bishop furrowed his eyebrows, noticing her frown. "Something wrong, Ladyship?"
"I-I guess so.." She told him softly, looking at the necklace in her hands. The silver beauty in her hands, almost big enough to fit her whole palm.
"You still have to pay for it, it's not yours y'know."
Bishop turned and looked at the seller's stern reminder. "Yeah, I think she knows, pal." Bishop told him sternly. The seller backed off and looked over at the objects on the table to not meet Bishop's gaze. Like many other people that made Bishop annoyed and gave his input to, he was scared by him and knee not to mess with him.

Bishop looked over at the necklace in her hands, "Hm." Bishop thinks about a solution, he took out some septims and counts as many as he has. Not enough, damn. He sighed and looked up at her, "Okay. Let's just go somewhere else, we both don't have enough money for the thing." Bishop glared at the seller and then grabbed her hand, leading her to another place to shop.

Bishop had a plan, he wasn't just going to give up easily. He swore somewhere in Riften he hid some septims around, and he could grab it. But was it still there over the years? He rolled his eyes, I'll get it somehow.

Sorry this is short, I just wanted to get it out. I felt bad for not posting..alsoooo...


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