Things that upset him // Boyfriend scenarios

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Got this idea from memes_love_poptarts book that was about imagines and preferences (Skyrim releated).
I was thinking boyfriend and girlfriend scenarios are basically going to be posted at any time. I usually am going to post my x readers on Friday's, but I might post an x reader before that or after (on a Saturday or sunday) to own up for that day. But then, there might be times to where I just don't write anything because I have writer's block, no motivation (sorta writer's block as well), or just busy.
But, requests are always welcomed!! They definitely help me for x readers or boyfriend/girlfriend scenarios!! I have a requests still needing to be finished, but other than that, I can't think much for ideas for boyfriend or girlfriend scenarios. Sorry I am just wasting your guys time, here are the boyfriend scenarios.

Hm..Bishop doesn't so easily show his hurt feelings, if it really really did hurt in the inside, he might show it. But when I played through the romance mod (still haven't finished it, but I know most of the "ending"), Bishop didn't show mostly his hurt feelings. He did show his other emotions and feelings somewhat easily, but not really hurt or regretting feelings (maybe for his past or something). I think he would get hurt if you died, or have some deeply caused pain, or illness of some kind. The ranger isn't one to easily show his feelings like many sensitive authors for books do in Skyrim, or that one drunk Nord in a tavern you see stumbling around. Or sitting at a table, tears running down their pale Nord skin, while drinking a tankard of ale. There has to be something much more, more deadly, for him to so "Willy Neely" show his hurt feelings.
He would probably be hurt/upset if you did die, or the other stuff I mentioned before. Or maybe seeing you get hurt in a severe way that he never wants to see happening again.
(Mainly I am surrounding around sad type upset, not much anger, the Ranger shows enough for his anger haha.)

The calm, collected, and insightful forsworn being upset at or about something. Probably Skyrim's or Tamriel's problems and havoc that's happening. Dragons, war, racism, and multiple other issues would make the forsworn feel upset on how no one could get along. That we need to stand together to get through this all than through bloodshed. Mainly the big issues around Skyrim would bother him the most. Obviously seeing the Dragonborn getting hurt or something like that would upset him, but I think Cael would always have some sort of sensitivity in his thoughts and opinions to the problems around him. The hatred against forsworn, dragons, war, the rough, not kindness of the world. I think that would trouble him the most.

Casavir seeing the injustice and sometimes the burdens of being a paladin. The injustice of some petty thief getting away from stealing a gem at a market stand, or something he just can't defeat that isn't in the right side of the law. Definitely his burdens of being a paladin would stir him the wrong way, with seeing the Dragonborn in his sights, and seeing her run away with that untrustable Ranger in his point of view. I think he would hide a lot of his feelings and opinions too, mostly just following the law and having his watchful eyes for danger open on the streets of Solitude.

Farkas would be bothered by..I'm not sure, probably too many pranks or someone making fun of him for not having the smarts his twin brother is known to have. I think his past also bothers him a little, even though he is positive most of the time, the past still stays with him. It bothers him on those quiet nights in his room that's pitch black, only a small candle lit next to his bed. I don't seeing him being so open about this stuff though, his twin brother would be a harder egg to crack for what upsets him.

Vilkas would get bothered by most things, very easily too. That misspelling in the book, the wrong information, agrueing with someone over the topic and his opinion won't sway his competitor to his side. His past gets to him somewhat, but I feel like his brother focuses and thinks about that way more than Vilkas might. I think Aela might anger him sometimes, her quick mind, mostly reckless actions too. How her emotions cloud her head. Vilkas is more focused on knowledge. I think deep down, he would get upset about a lot of stuff, but I feel like there might be more. And I honestly can't really figure it out that truly, hundred-precent upsets him and bothers him.

The rest of the characters soon!~
I just couldn't think for what would upset the rest. I don't know if I made sense for this, I was just in the zone to where I was just randomly detailed and insightful hehe. Thank you memes_love_poptarts for giving me that idea (from one of your books, it interested me).
I am planning for doing this for the girl's too! I have a few characters in mind for that new scenarios thing.

OH AND ONE OTHER THING: scark2000 has an x reader Skyrim book AND is writing smut/lemons! I don't feel comfortable writing that stuff, and they said they would/will write lemons/smut. They have a few x readers already in their Skyrim book.

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