A/N: I was thinking

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I was thinking of making a seperate story for Skyrim? Like a fanfiction for skyrim. But I tried before, a few times, and they never seem to go on for long or anything like that. I just can't think of a plot or a character. Maybe something with royal stuff in the story? I'm not sure, I'll have to think about it. Sorry, I just can't think of much and I always wanted to complete and write a skyrim fanfiction. Not like an x reader, like in here, but an actual plot line and basically a story. I am basically just telling about my thoughts on here, and I feel really really stupid to ask (because it should be me that's deciding and making the plot line and thinking of a character). But does anyone have any ideas? Like a major point in the plot or what the plot mostly is surrounded around.
Also anyone have any recommendations for a skyrim fanfiction to read? I like to read Skyrim fanfictions and stuff in my past time.

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