Sick ~Farkas x reader~

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(Requested by EleanorLearn)

It was that time again, the coming of fall and winter in Skyrim. In whiterun, it was just the same cold air as it always is, but colder than usual. It was almost like every other day for most with the weather, but the climate and temperature didn’t bother Y/N. She was sick with a cold.
With tissues by her side, she almost used all the ones in the small box, but her nose was red and ached with the tissue rubbing against the soft skin.

“You okay there? You haven’t been doing your usual running around.”
She looked up at the bright light coming into the room, it was Farkas’ twin brother standing in the doorway.
“Farkas already is getting me some soup, I’ll be fine.”
“Nobody likes being sick, not even the Harbinger,” Vilkas commented, “Just don’t get me sick. Torvar, Aela, and Njada are already sick anyways.”
During this time of the seasons, Vilkas tried his best to avoid being sick. It never worked out as planned because either from his brother or another companion, he would get sick. If Vilkas is sick, he's going to be pretty stubborn about it until he can’t win against the evil cold anymore.
“Well, have fun with your cold Y/N, let me know if you need or want anything.”
The doors closed and the only light in the room was a candle flickering in the corner of the room. She could hear his heavy footsteps trailing away and becoming nothing but silence.

After a few moments Farkas came in with a bowl of soup, almost spilling it with his high it was in the bowl.
“Here, this might make you feel better.” Farkas placed the bowl in her lap and kissed her forehead, touching the back of her head and his fingers intertwined with her locks of hair.
“Thank you,” she smiled up at him and dug her spoon into the fork, eating away.
Farkas watched her and her habit of moving her spoon in circles when she was eating and before she took the next bite. He felt bad that she was sick, he didn’t even like it when he was sick because he felt defenseless. There is so much to do in the world, to fix problems, honor, justice. Even beating up a beggar who was giving someone problems and death threats would make him feel a little better about himself in those times. But he couldn’t, because he was sick and it was weighing heavily on him.

“You really are okay? No aches, no pains?”
“Don’t worry so much Farkas, hasn’t Aela told you that many times about me?”
Farkas shrugged, “Yeah? It doesn’t help much, I still do.”
He sat on the end of her bed and looked around the room. It fits her personality well, books unevenly stacked, some of the floor or lying on a table somewhere. She wasn’t the neatest person he has met. Then, was he?

She finished her soup and places it on her bedside table, rubbing her eyes and yawning, pulling her animal skinned blanket closer up her body.
Farkas smiled at how cute she looked when she was tired. “Ready for bed?”
She nodded.
“Well, want me to leave you here? I can go do some other jobs when you are sleeping-”
“No, Farkas. You don’t need to, I don’t really want you to anyway.” Farkas waited for her to continue, “Cuddle me, please?” Y/N looked up at him with pleading eyes that could even make a cold, thieving khajiit feel some sympathy.
He nodded and gave her a shy smile, “Alright, I can do that.” He climbed into bed beside her and cuddled her, her arms around her waist and pulled closely to him.

I kinda like this one?? I don’t know how I got this random more detailed writing, but I did! I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did!

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