Protection ~Farkas x reader~

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Among the chatter of the inn in Whiterun, it was close to the yearly feast, where every nord has a feast with a family or go into inns. Inns have a lower price on their food and drinks.

Y/N was one of these Nords, she wanted to be alone. Everyone was having a feast upon Skjor & Kodlak’s death. Y/N wanted to spend her time to remember them, alone.

But of course, like always, she wasn’t.

A tough arm wrapped around her and pulled her closer. She growled and threw her cup of ale into whoever's face. The inn grew quiet as Hulda just stared at her in misbelief. She trembled and looked up at the person.


“I-I’m so sorry! I thought you were those creepy men in inns around here! I-”
“Don’t speak another word Y/N.” Farkas stated sternly, wiping the ale off his face with one hand. You were even more scared, Farkas scared you when he was angry. Which happened rarely, but when he was mad, it was terrifying.

He then laughed.
He. Just. Laughed.
“You should’ve seen the look on your face! You seemed so scared!”
“I..was..” You answered, trying to get calm again.

After a while, you two talked. First it was just normal jokes and conversation, then it drifted into the sad memories of Skjor & Kodlak.

The two stumbled out of the inn and went up the steps, out of the market area. The wind brushed on your skin, leaving you shaking in your armour. You heard a chuckle, and you turned and saw Farkas’ light grey eyes move away from you. He looked forward and started walking to Jorrvaskr.

You watched him walk forward, until he stopped, noticing you weren’t following. He turned and looked back at you, his eyes beckoning you to follow. “C’mon, you’re obviously cold. Why don’t we both warm up in Jorrvaskr?” He suggested, you looked around at the area before her. Glancing at Heimskr’s house and then at the tree. You then followed him inside to get warm.

The fire in the middle of the table crackled, the glow made your face light up as you stared at it. Everyone has gone to bed, but you. Everything about being here was coming back to you, memories..

Memories of Skjor, Kodlak’s voice and his laugh that made you feel good inside. Kodlak was like a father, maybe even a grandfather, to you. Skjor was a bit of a pain. But he was like a strict uncle to you.

“You should get going to bed.” You looked over your shoulder, Farkas was looking down at you, his hand on your elbow. His smile made you smile as well, the two just stared at each other for a while until a voice stopped the whole thing.
“Farkas! Brother! Why are you out here?”
He looked up at his brother, Vilkas. The two talked until Farkas was convinced to go downstairs to his room.

“Goodnight Y/N..” He spoke, his hand leaving your elbow. You watched him walk over to the stairs, and then disappearing when he was walking down the stairs.

You two were sent on a mission to do together. Walking down the steps to the market area, Farkas’ stomach growled.
“Farkas, we just got food!”
He smiled at your whining and stepped off the last step, “no worries Y/N. I’ll go get something quick.” He moved his head towards the market stall where food was.

Standing on the side, you watched Farkas get something to eat. Completely bored out of your mind, you looked up at Whiterun’s sky. The sky was almost cloudless that day, which is rare for Skyrim, and there was a light wind.

Something dug into the satchel you had on your side, your eyes darted down to whatever was making you feel that. A dark elf in thief armour looked up at you, their red eyes wide, and she flashed a sheepish grin.
“What do you think you’re doing?” A sharp, deep, voice spoke, the dark elf whipped around to see Farkas. Panic raised over them as they tried to run away, only to be thrown on the ground by his heavy grip.

She dug out a dagger quickly as Farkas showed no fear.
“That tiny thing? Really?” He pulled out his greatsword and the dark elf got even more skittish.

Let’s just say, the dark elf got a very bad beating...

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