School AU (Modern) of the Skyrim romance mod

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Bishop - the school jock who doesn't think anyone in his football team plays right, hates them & his status.
Casavir - the nice rich popular kid
Raven - the rebellious guy who was a bully, but trying to justify himself to become food. He still has rebellious traits though.
Darren - the kid who becomes very jealous, fights almost everyday with someone. A lot of people think he's weird.
You - the girl who wants to join football and Bishop has to see how you do as the first ever female on a football team in the school. Bishop lowkey likes you, forced, yes forced-to be able to do this.
(Sorry if you hate sports, I just made this up in Civis after my test and thought it would be fun to write. I hate sports as well).

This is more modern, but still has some Skyrim elements in it. Sorry, I didn't put that much detail in it. Somedays I write in more detail, and then some I don't.

The wet grass made the bottom of your shoes wet. It rained yesterday and got the football field pretty wet. You were slightly scared if you slipped in the grass, as falling was one of the top best things you could do. It occurred often, as well.

The sky has a light grey look to it, pretty weird for a school day, or any day in general. You walked onto the field that was on the side of the school, Skyrim high school (yeah uncreative on my part). A tall man stood in the field, arms crossed, waiting for you to get closer. His stare made you feel uneasy, like he could see everything about you. His red and white football uniform could be seen in the football lights that shone onto the field.
"You're Y/N, right?" He spoke in a gruff voice. "I am guessing your Bishop." He only just stared, his eyes trailing down like he was a robot and scanning your body to remember. As it stayed quiet, he chuckled unexpectedly.
"You don't seem much of a football player to me, more of a sissy softball girl."
"I did play softball."
Bishop let out a long laugh, laughing at you for the most part. "T-This girl played softball!" He wheezed, "did y-you get kicked out of it and you wanted to be the s-special snowflake around this school?" He couldn't stop laughing. I made him laugh that hard huh.

You didn't feel insulted one bit, only annoyed. He was an ass, but many boys around your age were, so what's the difference?

Y/N tried to do a wrestling move on him, to show him she's more than just a girl, but he grabbed her wrist. Turning her around and against him, he smirked down at her. "I would suggest to try sneak attacks better next time princess."

"He's such an ass!" Darren commented, Darren wasn't one to swear as he rarely did. Only if something made him so mad or annoyed, he would swear. Casavir looked at him, and then back at the scene, his eyes squinted. The two of them were hiding under the bleachers, trying to get the best view they can. Casavir and Darren weren't really best friends or good friends, they had a lot of different opinions. Different opinions in magic, Casavir thinks magic shouldn't be taught at this school (I am adding a bit of Skyrim stuff to this) as Darren thinks it should still be taught. They had different opinions on almost everything, only one of the same things they could agree on is Y/N. They both loved her and hated Bishop, so they helped each other on trying to find information and whatever they could find about him. A plan was in the making.

Darren was more in the revenge thinking as Casavir thought it wasn't necessary, that it would only make the situation worse. Casavir more of thought before action, that was one of his strong points than his weakness on talking before thinking (as in his anger; not controlling it). Darren was a head first into things guy, he almost fought in the hallway with the same guy everyday. Only on some days he would get pulled away to go to the principles.

The principle stance and opinions on how the school should make their students do was being debated. If they should have an empire/Imperial type school or a stormcloak one. Also for the debate of magic in the school was being argued as well. Bishop thought the whole thing is stupid and it likely will never end, even the students are fighting with other students on their opinions of this. Coming from an Imperial, Stormcloak, or a mage family. They all fought. Even Elves fought with Nords in the school based on what happened ages ago.

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