Teammate ~Gabriella x reader~

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Y/N already dreaded stepping foot into the Dark Brotherhood hideout in Falkreath. She knew she messed up, and someone saw her kill that woman. The woman’s child was watching and she..she just couldn’t pick up her dagger to kill the poor child. And this was her second kill, this definitely won’t look good to anyone here. Most are surprised that she stayed alive for a second kill, most newbies only last a few days or die on their first kill.
She held her breath when she saw Astrid, her arms crossed and glaring at her.
Y/N groaned and pulled off the cowl, showing her (h/c) hair to Astrid. She ran a hand through her hair in frustration, not even wanting to explain the whole story. “I’m sorry Astrid. Her child came in and witnessed the whole thing- and this probably will look back for my reputation. But..” She kept rambling on, Astrid listening. Taking small little notes in her mind about her whole story.

“And, I can’t kill a child. I..just can’t..I feel so bad for her.” Y/N eyes was full of tears as she looked down at her black and red boots. Remembering how the child was crying as well, how scared she was, just standing there. Then, after taking control of her senses and going back into the reality, than deep in her emotions, she ran off. Y/N remembered her cries becoming to just muffled ones while she stared down at the woman she killed. It gave her a thrill to kill, yes, but the thrill soon escaped when she saw the child. After staring at it and thinking for what seemed like a lifetime, the door slamming closed to the house made her come back into reality, she rushed out as fast as she could in the upstairs door. (The house was like a store, you know how they have a second door upstairs).

“I understand..but this is your job, and meaning this is your job, you need to do your job and complete it to get your pay.” Astrid looked down at the stone table with a map of the targeted locations. Astrid felt a little sorry for the newcomer, she was new and she knew that some assassins had specific weakness to certain things. And children was on of Y/N’s weaknesses, but a job is a job. If you don’t complete it all the way or someone witnesses (a kill that’s private, behind closed doors). Astrid looked up at the girl, noticing the fear and regret in her eyes, “I am feeling nice today. So, I’ll give you half of the pay.” Astrid smiled when the girl’s face lit up. But what she didn’t see at first, was what the girl did quickly. She felt arms wrapped around her and the girl’s head laying on her chest, murmurs thank you to Astrid. She smiled awkwardly and patted her on the head, not understanding the feel she had in her stomach.

The feel wasn’t a romantic type of love, more of a friendship or maybe even a motherly love. Astrid never was a mother so she couldn’t decode what she was feeling, sure her and Arnbjorn talked about starting a family. But the assassin life and their job would be too havoc to start a family of their own.
Y/N pulled away from the hug she gave her leader, “ did you know so fast?” Astrid smirked and her cheeks tinted a little. “News spread fast, my friend.”

Astrid got back on track, “at the matters of hand.” This caught the attention of the newcomer, shaking away her thousand questions she wanted answers to. “You’ll be working with one of the members of You two will be working on a kill together.” As if on cue a dark elf woman, in different Dark Brotherhood clothes than the rest of the guild, came up the steps and stood at the entrance to the stairs. “This is Gabriella,” Astrid looked at the dark elf and then back at her and then started explaining the mission.
After explaining, Y/N was heading up the small set of stairs to the door, Astrid smirked and shaked a bag of coins. Immediately getting Y/N attention to her, “aren’t you forgetting something?” Her eyes lit up like the night sky and ran to the gold waiting for her.

They stopped at an abandoned cabin, it showed that it was old from the outside.
“This the place?” She asked, pulling up the cowl over her head.
Gabriella nodded, “from Astrid’s directions, presumably so.” The dark elf walked up to the door, looking to see if there were any locks on the door. Bending down, she picked the lock and the door slowly creaked open. Gabriella cringed at the noise the door made, not wanting to fail this quest. She remembered what Astrid was telling her before she arrived back from her kill.

“You need to go with the new member of our family for her next kill, she has..failed her second kill and I want you to see how she was with killing. A test if you will.” She followed her orders with a, “okay. Thank you Astrid.”

Already hearing loud snoring of a male, and the fireplace in the cabin was the only light in this house on. Gabriella sneaked behind Y/N, watching her actions with a close eye. Gabriella had alright sneaking skills, but she had more skills in magic and a little more in one hand. A groan of pain came from the man, shaking her out of her thoughts. She looked up to see a dead man with his side stabbed by Y/N, who was standing up and looking down at him. Gabriella stood up and saw that blood was on the wall and on the bed. She didn’t like to leave blood on things, she actually hated when blood would get on her clothes, she grabbed a rag and water. And other materials in the cabin to clean up the blood. She came back and moved the bed over a little to start to clean the wall.

Getting her attention, she was so use to doing this she didn’t understand how weird it would seem to anyone else. “What are you doing?” Turning her head and looking straight at the (r/o/c). She shrugged and went back to cleaning, “what do you think?”

Cleaning up the mess in a minute, Y/N was surprised and curious on how she could be so good at cleaning this stuff up. She asked Gabriella, who was now standing up and leaving the rag on the floor. “How do you clean this up so fast?”
"You learn, you should know, since you are a woman after all." Y/N eyes widen, did she just mention her monthly!?
She shrugged again and looked at the dead body, "and of course..from being with the guild for so long. But I knew how to clean blood up before joining." Gabriella smirked and pulled off he fingerless glove, that's full of blood.

Sorry for this sort of a non-detailed and a little sucky, today is one of my days where I don't feel like adding much detail. Some days I add more detail, but I tried to add as much detail as I can.

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