Dreams ~Aela x reader~ (1/2)

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This x reader was inspired by this drawing.

Artwork and idea goes to the owner of that drawing

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Artwork and idea goes to the owner of that drawing.
Might have some mistakes and everything.
(Just to let you know Aela is my video game girl crush, oKAY. And, also, Zoey from Left 4 Dead. Like..why can't they be real!!! They are so hottt!
My bisexual and homoromantic problems)
Tossing and turning in her sleep, the fiery red Nord was having one of those dreams that kept her up at night. A dream that she would want to be reality.
The Harbinger rubbed her cheek and smiled at her, cheeks burning with red.
In the meadow of bright green grass and the tempture and weather was just right. Aela smiled as she stared up at her. "Y-Yes?" The Harbinger leaned down, nose touching, her smiling turning into a smirk now. "Are you ready to train?"
Aela was left confused as the harbinger seemed to fade away from her grip. "W-What?"
Opening her eyes, waking up in a heap of sweat, the shadow of the Harbinger stood at the door.
"Awake now?" She asked sternly, her arms crossed. Aela pushed the covers over and quickly got up, still in her night wear.
"Good." She shook her head, leaving some long strands of hair in front of her. Aela blushed at how she thought of how hot she looked. "Meet me outside, we're going to train." Y/N, the Harbinger, turned and walked down the hallway, leaving her door open.
"Wait!" Aela rushed to the door, and checking into the hallway, only to see her gone. She sighed as she rubbed her face, groaning.

Aela got ready quickly and went outside, seeing Y/N ready with her (w/o/c) and armour head to toe.
Walking down the stone steps, Aela questioned, holding her shield in her right hand. "Why do I need to train?"
"You're going on a tough job that's coming soon for you." Y/N looked over at her and then at Vilkas, who was walking out the doors of Jorrvaskr.
"As of when? Why not let Vilkas or Farkas do it?" Aela tried to persuade her that she didn't need to train, but the girl was too stubborn to listen.
"Alright then," Aela got into a stance to prepare to fight with her. She smiled at the memory in her head, "Y/N?"
Y/N sighed, "Yes?"
"Remember when I first trained you?"
Aela looked down at the crying girl, was she too hard on the new blood? She got down at her height, she rubbed her head like a child. Her soft side came out, "Hey, shh." Aela tried to comfort her. The new blood looked up at her with teary eyes that stained her cheeks. "I'm sorry if I hurt you in anyway. Tell me next time, okay?" Aela smiled to comfort her more and stood up, holding out her hand for her.
"Come on, I'll go get you some mead and something to eat. Sound good?"
The new blood nodded and grabbed her hand, standing up.

"Before we fight, I need to confess to you about something later."

Sorry, I just had to. The art was beautiful and it was good to write a story and a relationshio development. I might write a 2nd one, not sure. I'll try to write more on requests and part 2 next week and on spring break (after next week).

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