Treating nightmares ~Bishop x Dawnguard!Reader~

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The vampire steps closer and closer, a red burning spell in his hand that he’s using to drain me. I feel so sleepy, so empty, the emptiness oozing out of me into that stupid little spell of his.
He gets closer than I like him to be, I can feel his smirk. I slowly look over, wanting to puke at the sight of him. Don’t look! Don’t look! Don't-
you looked.
Trying to not gag at his unattractive face and his red eyes with lust dancing in them. How much you’d want to drive a knife right into his heart. How badly you want him away from your neck. But the energy was drained from you, you only had to watch, think, and feel. His fangs scraped your shoulder blade and stopping at the middle of the neck. Moving his fangs pressed down deeper into the soft skin of yours. Finally going through the soft skin to huge pain. You tried to scream, but it felt like water.
“Wake up! Wake up!” Someone was shaking you, tough hands was on your arms, trying to shake you out of your paralyzed state. “C’mon Ladyship, please!” His voice sounding even more desperate as his shakes got harder, his grip tighter.

Like magic, you woke up, your eyes meeting his orange tinted ones. Relief washed over him as he held you in the tight hug, head buried in your neck.
“'re awake. I thought you died in your sleep or something-..something worse.”
You wrapped your arms around him, drawing him closer. “I’m glad I didn’t die too.” He pulled away, staring into your pale blue ones. (Be triggered)

“Did you have a nightmare? What was it about.” Bishop moved to your side, the bed sinking for a moment with his weight on it. There was a clinking sound and he looked over and pushed it away. “Your crossbow, you must’ve put it on the bed when you came home last night while I was sleeping. Too tired to care?” He looked over at you and you nodded for an answer. “Now, tell me about the nightmare and I’ll try to treat it.”

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